Chapter 70 Magic Potion

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Chapter 70

My hand clasped at my wrist to get my whip when I noticed that King Luke's focus wasn't even directed at me. Instead, he pushed me to the side and hissed in pain. When I looked back, I saw that the liquid that was boiling over an alcohol lamp fell down and spilled over his arms.

Then it dawned on me that I must have knocked the breaker down when I hit the table. And King Luke pushed me so that I wouldn't get burned.

With a pained look, my uncle winced while forcing a smile as he looked at me. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"King Luke!" I gasped as I looked at the nasty burn on his arm and how the skin seemed to peel either from the chemical or from the temperature. "I'm sorry. What should I do?!" My first instinct was to call for Custard or Viex to heal him, but again, they're not here.

"Get the pitcher of water over there." He pointed towards the table to our left as he grabbed one of the vials on the table.

I grabbed the pitcher literally just dumped the contents on his arm. King Luke gritted his teeth in pain. "I was going to ask you to pour it gently. But I guess that's one way to clean the wound." He chuckled even though he was in pain.

"I'm sorry." I repeated. King Luke removed the cork from the vial and poured a blue liquid over his arm.

Instantly, both the burn and red skin healed. I gaped.

"Yes, it is magic." King Luke answered before I could even voice out my question. He grabbed a nearby towel and whipped away the residues on his arm before he cleaned up the current mess on the table.

I watched him work and arrange all the chemicals on the table. "What is all of these?" I asked.

"Medicine." He says and lets out a sigh. "At least that's what I was hoping to accomplish."

I inclined closer and tapped on a flask with a strange liquid inside. King Luke immediately moved it out of my grasp. "I wouldn't touch anything carelessly if I were you. Some of these are poisons."

I moved back defensively. "Poison? I thought you said they were medicine!"

"Dear, in order to create an antidote to poison, we need the poison as an ingredient itself. Both to study and as a healing catalyst. Haven't you read medicinal books in your realm?" King Luke scrutinized me with his gaze like I have been missing a lot.

"I do read." I answered. "But putting the word math, science, and reading?" I made a disgusted look to show him how I really feel about such topics. "That I do not."

"Figures. Those books are hard to understand after all." He shrugged. "What are you doing here anyway? Did Elizabeth sent you?"

Oh, shoot. "I uh...visited my aunt earlier and noticed that you weren't there. I came to find you in case you might have a secret mistress somewhere." I narrowed my gaze and began looking around. "You wouldn't happen to have one, don't you?" I whispered.

"A mistress? Now that is ridiculous. I happen to have the best wife in the whole kingdom!"

I grimaced. "My aunt? Really?"

King Luke frowned. "Dear, you and your aunt have a lot in common than you think." He says and started lighting up an alcohol lamp.



"Why are you making medicine when there's magic?"

Luke grabbed the flask that I was tapping on earlier and set it up on top of the lamp. "Because not everyone can buy expensive potions or do healing magic. We already discussed this issue with King Fred. He says that he will try to do something about it. But I know the process will take a while. It might also burden him in the process because not everyone would be in favor of lowering their prices." He grabbed some leaves on a plate and dropped them into the now burning flask.

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