Chapter 40 The Ship Has Sailed

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Chapter 40 

I shoved Nate away from me as I rolled and jumped back. The princes and the others were now looking at me.

"Get her!" Ace ordered as the princes all charged at me. Well, all of them after Ren gave my sleeping familiar to the chief.

I don't know how my body became so light, but I was able to avoid all of their moves and advances. I undid the belt from my dress and wrapped it over Nate's eyes as I threw him over to Ren. Ace tried to grab me but I blocked him with my hand and side stepped so I could stand behind him. He turned back with a jab that I narrowly dodged.

I paused, then pointed an accusing finger at him. "Hey! That looked like you really meant to hurt me." I commented as I compared him to how the other two were moving. Ren and Nate prioritize to capture me but I think PRINCE Ace wants to knock me down. Permanently, I suppose.

"What Else?" Came his reply. "Maybe if you stop moving then I won't have to hit you." He snarled and threw a kick, which I avoided by leaning back.

"But it is not me!" I complained as I dodged another attack from him. "It's the evil spirit. It's taking control over my body!"

"That is bullshi*t and you know it. You are a f*cking tamer. You are supposed to control the spirit. They can only control you only when you allow them to. And you are clearly allowing it!!"


"Um..Nope. Not true." I denied as I drew a semi circle below him to trip him. Ace jumped and managed to avoid my attacks.

'And here I thought you are easy to control and that I am powerful to command a working tamer...'

'Evil spirit? Shut up.'

"Lies!" He yelled and charged at me again. I stopped moving for a few seconds to bait him before jumping to the other side, making him crash into Ren and Natge who were sneaking at me from the other side.

I saw the princes forming a pile on the ground and laughed at their pathetic form.

"PRINCE Ace, are you sure that it is her attacking us and not the evil spirit? I mean I can't believe that we would be bested by her to be honest."

"HEY!" I yelled in protest and hurled a rock at Ren.

"If you two would actually take it seriously then that puny bird brain over there won't be able to lift a finger at us!"

"Really? I bested you earlier when these two are down. Are you sure about that?" I pointed out."


"It's the evil spirit." He suddenly said and gave us all a look to emphasize his words. "The evil spirit is controlling her body." He concluded with a sure nod. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.

"You know, even though she's being possessed, I just can't help but admire how she rocks my words right now. I like what I see." Nate grinned and winked at me.

'Ugh!' The evil spirit and I both thought at the same time as we shuddered in disgust. 'That guy's words are so horrifying that it hurts my ears!'

'I know!' I thought back. 'Even though I live with them for a long time, I still get the shivers when that guy tries to flirt! Ugh!'

I rubbed my arms and shivered in disgust.

Ace's eyes widened and he looked at Nate as if he had a bright idea. "Flirt with her." Ace with a dark and regretful look on his face as he got back to his feet.

"What?" Nate looked at Ace with wide eyes while Ren expressed his disapproval with a look at the elf PRINCE.

"Just do it! And mutt, stop glaring and attack!" As soon as the words left Ace's mouth, he charged again and, this time, I ran and threw a clay pot at him.

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