Chapter 37 Pendant

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Chapter 37 

"You guys better not look while I undo the stitches!" I warned them as Ren and Custard raised a blanket over me while I fixed my dress. "That includes you, Ren."

"Me? I was the one who covered you first!"

"Oh, right. Thanks."

Of all the times that I have to detransform, it has to be out in public. I was crouching on the ground with the blanket surrounding me when I saw a hint of red hair peaking. I sighed. "Custard." It was all that I have to say as my familiar raised one of his gigantic paws and slapped it over the perverted vampire's face. Nate cried out loud as Custard made contact.

"GAH! My face!!"

Serves him right. I thought as I finally untangled the last of the stitches and fixed my dress so it looked presentable.

Once I was done, I stood up. "I'm good now." I said and lighty tugged on the blanket so Ren could remove it. I grinned the moment I saw Ren. "I am back! No more baby words!" I rejoiced. Being a kid was such a hassle especially when you have responsibilities!

The wolf prince chuckled. "Yeah. But I kind of like the young version of you as well. You were cute."

"What? I am only cute when I'm a kid?" I raised an eyebrow at him, slightly offended at his words.

Ren looked flustered as his cheeks reddened. "What? No! You're still cute! But more than that. You're-"

A hand was suddenly draped over my shoulder and Nate leaned in to whisper in my ear. "I bet a combination of our genes would make a cuter offspring." He joked. My hand was already raised in the air - ready to slap him, but he was suddenly pulled away by the ear.

"You better not make us listen to your disgusting lines!" He snarled at the vampire prince. Our gazes briefly met before he looked at Fical, who was patiently leaning over a tree as he waited for me to get dressed. "And what is that guy doing there!?" He demanded. When Fical looked up, he added. "GET LOST!"

At the mention of his presence, Fical got moved away from the tree as he made his way towards me. Completely disregarding Ace's orders. "Goddess, I-'' I cut him off by raising both of my hands up. I did it without thinking that I almost cursed myself for being suspicious.

Fical must not know what I know that he does not know so I can tell the princes what I know then they'll know what I know! You get me?

"I-um..." I stammered as I struggled to find the right words to say. I glanced at the princes for help, but they seemed confused about my behaviour as well since I would normally switch back into actress mode right now and spout some bullsh*t.

When that happens, it can only mean one thing. I was nervous as hell and the princes knew about this. Ren was the first to move as he stood in front of me to hide me from Fical. "I believe the Goddess is tired. Why don't you come looking for her at a very later time? Say...never?"

I don't know what Ren's deal is with Fical, but you can already sense the distaste that he has from the guy from his tone alone. Nonetheless, I was grateful that he was able to move me away from the guy.

I dared to look back as Ren, Nate, Ace and I were walking away from the chief's son. He wasn't looking at me, but he was studying Custard. The look on his face right now reminded me of a displeased child who wanted a candy, but couldn't have any. But the look on his face darkened the father we got. He must have sensed me looking at him because our eyes suddenly met and I saw the same shadows moving in his eyes that I saw back in the cave. He smiled sweetly at me that sent shivers down my spine.

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