Chapter 73 Orb of Storm

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Chapter 73 Orb of Storm


The elf prince is brutal and crazy. Viex badly wishes that he can morph right now. Because he would rather walk on his own than try to hitch a ride on the prince's shoulder.

Viex saw Ace glaring at him when noticed him burying his claws into his coat. It wasn't his fault. The guy was all over the place as he sliced, parried, and stab the rogues coming at him. There was also a time when he balances on a rail just to climb up the stairs.

It was a fighting style common to elves. They would never stay in one place for far too long. They were very agile and slick.

Ace would often use the wall as leverage to bypass the rogues, then he would attack the ones at the back, where they least expected it. Viex almost felt sorry for them.


As soon as Viex found an opening to jump down, he grabbed that chance. But when he did, Ace grabbed him in midair just in time as the prince blocked an arrow that would have killed Viex.

"You can't die until you lead me to where the chambers of that old psycho is!" Ace yelled at him and once again placed Viex onto his shoulder. The white fox was getting dizzy with all of his movements, but still kept his eyes open for Kaya.

In the middle of fighting, he has lost sight of the spirit and he was hoping that he would be back for them. Then, Viex saw Kaya waiting for them on another floor. Viex groaned because he already knows what to expect.

Viex poked Ace's cheek and pointed to the direction where Kaya was waiting for them. Ace nodded as he kicks a man down the stair, which cause a domino effect that carried the other rogues down along with him.

Ace reattached his double blades together to form into a bow before he slung it to his back. And then, he jumped OFF of the rails and grabbed the chandelier. Viex saw an arrow flying towards them and he flicked one off with his tail.

"Seems like you're not dead weight after all." Ace commented as he climbed to the top and started swinging the chandelier from side to side. When it reached its maximum momentum, Ace jumped and grabbed the rails towards the floor of their destination.

Arrows rained down on them and Viex had a hard time deflecting all of them that were directed at the Prince's head. One found itself at the elf's right arm just as he managed to climb. Ace grunted and removed the arrow. Then he grabbed his own bow, aimed at the tensioned chains of the chandelier, and fired multiple arrows at it. The whole thing collapses while it was still shaking and took down a few rogues as it crashed.

"Which way?" Ace asked.

Viex saw Kaya moving to their left and pointed in that direction. Ace started to move quickly while the coast was clear. They stopped when Kaya hovered over a gargoyle head statue. Viex jumped onto it and his weight made the statue tip forward.

Another secret passage opened.

"Well, at least I don't have to crawl this time." Ace muttered before grabbing Viex by the neck and going inside. As soon as Viex's weight was off of the statue, the door closed behind them.

There was only one path to this passage that Viex no longer have to guide him. Instead, Viex noticed his bleeding shoulder and reached out his tail to heal the injury.

"I appreciate that. But your master will feel that that pain. You know she's a wimp." Ace simply says. Viex knew that he was right, but he also knows that if the princess were here, she would still ask him to heal his injuries.

He was just doing what the princess was going to expect him to do.

The path stopped and so did Kaya. Viex let out a low growl to alert the elf prince that at the other side of the door, he could smell the foul stench of the rogue king and the rotting soul of the Chimera. His chambers, probably.

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