Chapter 48 Midnight Stroll

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 Chapter 48 Midnight Stroll

I let out a sneeze and sniffed as I wrapped the blanket around me tightly as I scooted closer to the fire. Custard placed his massive tail in front of me to provide me with more warmth. Viex, shifting back to his smaller form, wrapped himself onto my neck.

"What the hell is wrong with this place. Why is it so cold!?" I demanded as I continued to shake. I was already dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and some trousers that we had to pin to the side. I refuse to wear another fancy dress and shiver to death.

What's worse is that we had to camp outside because the inside of the cave is colder. It was too damp and wet from the spring and the hole at the top didn't help either.

Ren appeared and placed a blanket over me before sitting by my side. He scratched Custard's chin and laughed. " I see demon wolf is keeping you company. I knew that was a good name. Dan and I even suggested it at first." He joked.

Custard did not like being called a demon that he raised one of his gigantic paws and knocked Ren to his back while pinning him to the ground with a growl.

Now it was my turn to laugh at him. "He doesn't want to be called a demon wolf."

"Yeah." Ren grunted as soon as he got up. "I figured that one out without you translating it."

"You shouldn't have teased a sweet guy like Custard." Nate chastised him while nuzzling Custard's cheek. "Isn't that right, boy?" He cooed. Custard's tail wagged in agreement with Nate and he even licked the side of his face.

It's amazing how immediately Nate can get along with spirit animals that easily. Even Viex was getting a little bit comfortable with him. He's like a Disney princess in the spirit realm. I mean, considering his family background he would be Cinderella.

Or Cinderello.

I glanced at Prince Terrence, who was throwing firewoods at our campfire along with Ace. "Prince Terrence, are you really coming back with us to Thalia?"

"Yes, princess." Prince Terrence's long hair was tied back into a ponytail. It looked so smooth and silky that my fingers were itching to braid them.

I have to ask him - convince him - to make his hair pretty at some point.

"Are you sure? What about Nate's mother? I mean, I can't exactly call her your wife and all because she's not your wife in the first place but more of your brother's that you took. But not really because you saw her first and did not call dibs and..." I stopped when I saw the strange looks that they were giving me and finally realized that I must have said too much. "Let me guess, 'Shut up, Rose!'?"

"Wow. And I thought I was the chatterbox!" Serena called out while hanging on a tree and laughing her head off before disappearing inside the tree again.

Yes, disappeared inside the tree. Apparently, that's how and where she sleeps.

Ace rubbed the side of his head and sighed. "I swear, your mouth doesn't have a filter."

"Hey! I should be saying that to you and not the other way around!"

I stuck my tongue out at him while he glared. Prince Terrence grabbed our attention with a clap of his hands. "Ah geez. You both remind me of two amazing people." He laughed. "Princess Rosalie, as much as I want to go back, I must fulfill my duty as a knight of King Varon. I know that he is no longer here but I at least intend to use my skills and knowledge to help you."

"Prince Terrence-"

"Please don't call me a prince because I am no longer one. I refuse to become a part of what the Kingdom of Vertez has become. I would rather be a knight of a fallen country than be known as a prince there."

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