Chp:-1 Special Woman Not Witch

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It was a pleasant morning. I took a deep sigh. I sat on the couch in the garden. Weird right? Who on earth sits and works out in open when there's an office at home? Not at all. I always prefer fresh air, open atmosphere than closed atmosphere. I had this weird feeling that life is about to change. Argh......let's go with the flow we shall see.

After a while, my phone rang. It was Aashi. I answered her call.

"Yo Dolly, wassup?"

Aashi said, "Alia's pre graduation party prep. You, Ayesha and Ayush are invited. Please do come to New York. I'll text you the venue and other details. If you're able to come we'll be glad."

I said, "sure. Tell me the date."

Aashi said, "exactly a week later."

I said, "perfect I'm free this week so I'll come little early."

Aashi said, "cool. See you then." We hung up.

Ayush came and said, "Ishaan come on let's have breakfast. I've made Aloo puri."

I said, "coming bro." I followed him inside to the dining room. We took a seat.

Mom, dad, chachu and Chachi also came. We all started eating our food.

I said, "dad I'm going to the USA day after tomorrow."

Dad said, "oh why suddenly?"

I said, "Dolly called. The Singhania siblings are throwing a pre graduation party for Alia. All the youngsters you know me, Ayesha, Ayush, Rohan, Kabir, Dakshita, Samaira, Abhishek, Abhinav, Nirav and last but not the least, Riya and few more people are invited."

Dad said, "oh wow. That's great. Give our best wishes to her."

Chachu said, "yes yes infact we must buy her a lovely gift."

Mom said, "definitely that girl is very hardworking and intelligent she deserves it."

Ayesha came and said, "that is already taken care of, mom. Aashi called me yesterday and I went to the Dubai mall yesterday so I bought her gifts on behalf of all of us."

I said, "that's great Aysh."

Ayush said, "I won't be able to make it. My close friend is getting engaged. He'll kill me with his bare hands if I don't attend." We chuckled.

Ayesha said, "no problem bhaiya, Ishaan bhaiya I'm coming with you day after tomorrow."

I said, "ok Aysh."

Mom said, "Nikhil is married now, Aashi is also getting married. Ishu they're all younger than you and still they're getting married. Why don't you get married beta? You're now 30. I have so many good proposals in mind for you."

I said, "oh God mom not again please. I'm not interested and age just a number. For marriages to happen, love is essential and I'm not in love with anyone."

Mom said, "me and Keshav were never in love with each other but we eventually did fall for each other.  So many people don't really love each other when they get married. It's ok beta."

I said, "mom...." dad cut me in between

He said, "Neela dear it's ok let him be. Beta it's your choice, just be happy."

I said, "thanks dad. Don't worry mom there's no special woman in my life because I have you." She gave me a faint smile.

Ayesha said, "what about me?"

I said, "I said special woman not witch. If it was special witch then yes, it's you."

Me and Ayush laughed like idiots. Our parents chuckled and shook their heads. Ayesha who was sitting in between me and Ayush smacked us upside down and we both attacked her with a hug.

After breakfast we prepared for our USA trip. Dad and Chachu congratulated Yash uncle. I informed Nirav about our arrival. Nirav said he'll also come to New York the day me and Ayesha will reach.

In the crazy multi billionaire gang, we're all very close to each other irrespective of the age difference but I'm more closer to Nirav and Gautam. Gautam's best friends Vihaan Sethia and Nihar Nanda live here in Dubai and their elder brothers Vivek Sethia and Nishant Nanda are my close friends in Dubai and my business partners. Vivek and Nishant are married. Nishant has a daughter who's just a month old and she's adorable.

Most of close friends have settled down in life and I'm still known as the most eligible bachelor. My childhood friends Sahil and Chhavi also got married when they were 25 years old. They have a 4 year old son Saharsh who's a cutie and calls me his best friend.

All the girls crave to be with the crazy multi billionaire gang boys only because of their social and financial status and their good looks. People keep bugging me about my love life. Honestly, I've never felt attracted to any girl. I've always ignored it.

Anyways, I did my work and then my packing and stuff.


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