Chp:-6 It's Riya Goel

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The next day again I woke up early like yesterday and went for a walk by the bay and then came back to the hotel took a shower and got dressed and went downstairs, had my breakfast and came back to my room. I was doing some official work. Soon, my phone rang. I saw who it was. It was my dad.

I answered and said, "Hey Dad. Wassup?"

Dad said, "Hey son, I'm good. Where are you? Still in New York?"

I said, "oh no I'm sorry I totally forgot to tell you that I'm in LA. I wanted to see Sahil and Chhavi."

Dad asked, "oh that's great. You're in LA. How are the three of them doing?"

I said, "they're fine."

Dad said, "listen to me carefully son. You know Ayush and Gaurav are in Singapore, taking care of some business in our office there and I was supposed to be there in LA to work on big project and signing an important contract but I've to go to Mumbai because there's an emergency in the office there. I can't come here in LA. I want you to take care of things there in the LA office , it'll easily take about a month or two. Nirav will help you out too."

I said, "fine dad."

Dad asked, "where are you staying?"

I said, "The Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites."

Dad said, "okay check out from there right away."

I said, "Dad you want a billionaire to stay in the streets?"

Dad said, "Don't crack stupid jokes young man."

I said, "I'm not joking daddy dearest. Dad if I check out, where will I stay?"

Dad said, "son you probably forgot that we own a 41,000 sqft  mansion in Somma Way, LA, CA 90077."

I said, "oh crap! I totally forgot."

Dad said, "there was no need to check in here in Westin. Remember this next time."

I said, "dad I'm very much aware. It's just that it slipped out of my mind. My LA plan was totally impromptu. I'll check out and move in there today itself."

Dad said, "good. Take good care. Call your mother later. Keep me, Gaurav and Ayush posted."

I said, "yes dad. Bye."

Dad said, "bye." The call ended.

I again continued to do my work. An hour later again my phone rang. It was Nirav who was calling.

I answered and said, "hey man. I was going to call you in the evening."

Nirav said, "so we'll be meeting often now. You'll be in LA for the next 1 or 2 months."

I said, "yeah bro minimum one or maximum three months. I've to take care of the office here."

Nirav said, "I know bro. I'll be coming there next weekend. Actually Abhishek, Abhinav and Nikhil are also coming."

I said, "wow both the Abhis are here in the states?"

Nirav said, "yes actually they had a meeting in Seattle and they were done with it yesterday. They were about to come to San Francisco today but I'm going to Vancouver and I'll be flying to LA directly from Vancouver and I told about you being in LA for about 3 months. Now they've gone to Virginia and will be staying with the Singhanias the entire week. So they all planned to come here together."

I said, "cool man this sounds fun. Will Riya come here too?"

Nirav said, "if she's free, then yes Riya will certainly come, otherwise I don't know brother."

I said, "oh yeah that's alright I just asked."

Nirav asked, "so did you meet Sahil and Chhavi? How are they doing?"

I said, "they're doing fine. They're good."

Nirav said, "that's great." Soon I remembered about Chhavi's showstopper thing.

I said, "bro I need your help."

Nirav asked, "what?"

I said, "Chhavi's show is gonna happen in exactly 1 month and she hasn't found a suitable model to be her showstopper yet. She needs help. Can you help by any chance? Do you know anyone who is a model or who has contact with a model?"

Nirav said, "bro I cannot believe this."

I said, "what? Why you sound suddenly upset?"

Nirav said, "dude there's a damn model in our family. You also know her too well. And you're asking me to find some other model. This was your friendship. What kind of best friend you are?" That's Riya Goel everyone!

I said, "shut up drama queen Nirvi. Will she be free?" I immediately knew it that he's talking about Riya.

Nirav said, "I'll give you Riya's required details you send it to Chhavi and let Chhavi do the talking."

I said, "that's great I hope she agrees."

Nirav said, "she will, I'm sure. No one can say no too Chhavi. She's a famous designer and her dresses are amazing."

I said, "yeah right. Gotta go man. I have to move in to the mansion and check out of westin."

Nirav said, "cool bye." We hung up.

I hope she says yes. Wait why am I getting so excited about Riya accepting Chhavi's offer?


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