
"Oh" Violets eyes widen with Jade's answer. She was sure it was Adryan. Jade didn't look like the type to give herself to anyone other than her mate.

Violet guides Jade towards the sink, helps her wash and clean her mouth with some mouth wash. She asks Jade to sit on the counter beside the sink while she went and picked up something.

"Where are you going?" Jade asks her with confusion.

"I'm going to pick up some pregnancy tests from the pack clinic, and don't worry I wouldn't tell a soul about this" she adds after knowing what was circulating Jade's mind. After knowing each other for a few months, Violet was able to pick up on certain things even without Jade having to voice it out.

Jade nods her head, thankful for Violet's help.

Jade waits for Violet to comeback, meanwhile her mind wanders back to the question that circled her mind — what if she was actually pregnant? what was she supposed to do?!.

Her trail of thought come to a halt when she feels Violet entering the bathroom once again, only this time with the pregnancy tests clutched in her hands.

"Here" Violet places the test in her Jade's hands. Explaining to her that she just has to pee on the stick and wait for about three minutes for it to reveal the test results.

After doing as told, both of them wait for the results. Jade could feel herself get more nervous and anxious as the time passed by. Silence filled the air around them as they waited for the results.

"I think it would be done by now" Violet says, breaking the silence. Jade couldn't help but play with her fingers, a nervous habit of hers. She could feel her heart beating loudly in her ears as she waits for Violet to speak.

Violet looks at the tests, that laid on the counter. She takes in a breath when she gets a glimpse of the results. She had bought three of them since the results weren't necessarily hundred percent legit. her eyes move towards the rest of the tests. She heaves a sigh.

All of them showed the same thing.


"What does it say?" Jade asks her, nervousness lacing her voice.

"I- you're pregnant, Jade. All of the test says so." Violet replies.

Jade could feel her heart drop, tears brim her eyes when her mind comes up blank, she couldn't see a future ahead of her. And on top of that, taking care of a child was out of the box.

"Hey" Violet shakes her shoulders, getting Jade to snap out of her trance.

"I-" she takes in a shaky breath in "What am I going to do? I can hardly look after myself how am I going to look after a baby?" She couldn't still come to terms with the fact that she was really pregnant.

"We have to tell Adryan-" Violet starts to say only be stop speaking when she sees Jade shake her head in a no wildly.

"No, No. You can't do that" Jade says, then her eyebrows scrunch in confusion "wait, why would we tell him?" She asks Violet.

Violet's eyes widen at her slight slip up.

"Uh— Look, I know you and Adryan are mates. I've known about it from the day you've arrived." Violet speaks the truth, there was no point in lying.

"What? No. That's not true" Jade tries denying causing Violet to roll her eyes at her words.

"Jade, I've a mate myself. Besides, I'm an observant person. I could tell you both were mates by how you both acted around each other, also how Adryan gets pissed everytime he saw you with Nate was a dead giveaway." Violet says, making Jade's mouth to drop open in shock.

"You can't tell him,Violet" Jade pleads. She didn't want to tell him. He might be the father of her child but what was the guarantee that he wouldn't reject her child, even though he didn't reject her it was clear that he wanted nothing to do with her.

"Why?, it's his child isn't it?" Violets asks with confusion. If Adryan knew about this, surely he can help out with the situation.

"He doesn't even wants anything to do with me Violet. All he does is sleep around with her. What makes you think that he'd want this child? Beside, I want to leave." Jade whispers the last sentence in a small voice.

"NO. Are you out of your mind Jade?! You're carrying the heir to one of the most powerful Alpha of our time, you can't just leave." Violet says incredously.

Jade shakes her head, she was adamant on leaving.

Violet was tormented. Jade had become her best friend and then there was Adryan, her Alpha.

She as a pack member and The Beta Female should inform her Alpha all necessary information she gets regarding to things related to the pack. It was one of the rules. But, how was she supposed to hide this? Hide the fact that he was soon going to be a father?

Violet sighs.

"Okay" pinching the bridge of her nose, she continues speaking "I will help you leave, but you should not speak about this to anyone else, or about the fact that I'm helping you" Violet looks at Jade, who now seems a bit relieved when she heard the part where Violet would help her escape without anyone knowing, especially Adryan.

Jade nods her head in reply.

"Seems like we have an escape mission to plan".


I know that this chapter is boring, but something is going to be revealed in the next chapter...

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