Heian Peach Blossom II

Start from the beginning

Cries of protests, as well as sobs erupted from the crowd.

"No!" Yuuji stood up with a protest. 

Uraume was about to put him on his knees again but Sukuna stopped him with a raise of a hand.

"Please, spare my people! They had nothing to do with this! Please! Punish me!" Yuuji got on his knees with a thud and placed his head on the floor.

"Hm." Sukuna looked at the teen with a look of amusement. "I take it that you'd do anything for their survival?"

"Yes! Please, spare them!"

"Hm. Since you asked nicely." 

Yuuji snapped back, looking at Sukuna with shock. His heart stuttered at the smirk Sukuna had on his lips.

"Uraume, get him ready for the ceremony. From now on, you're my mine, to do with what I see please. You'll make a splendid wife."



"Yuuji sama!"

Loud protest rang loudly in the crowd. Yuuji and Jin looked at Sukuna with horror.

"What?! Never!" Jin boomed out, getting up on his feet. There was no way in HELL his youngest was going to be the bride of this MONSTER.

With a bored expression on his face, Sukuna flicked his fingers and all was silent.

Yuuji watched with wide eyes as his father was beheaded. Blood spurted into the air, landing on him and staining him with its warm crimson. He watched with wide eyes as Jin's head, which expression was frozen in surprise, rolled and stopped by his side.

Jin's body landed with a deafening thud, and the corpse continued bleeding onto the floor.

It was silent for some seconds before that silence was broken by a shrill scream.

"Jin sama!!"

Tears started falling from Yuuji's wide eyes as he stared at his father's head in disbelief.

The teen was in a state of shock that he didn't hear the sound of his people screaming out his father's name. But he did hear when the sound of fleshing tearing and blood splattering.

Yuuji looked up at he saw that one by one, his people were being killed. Some stood up and made to run away, but an invisible force cut them them. Some were beheaded, others were cut in two, while some were suddenly thrusted into the air as if being impaled by a spear.

"Stop..." Yuuji whispered out. He caught Sukuna flickering his fingers at a mother and her children and he screamed, "STOP! PLEASE STOP!"

Sukuna, who was still seated like the king he was, settled his eyes on the kneeling mortal. By the gods, he looked EXQUISITE crying.

"Please... stop..." Yuuji sobbed out. 

"I take it you have come to a decision?" Sukuna asked with a bored voice. 

"Yes... please... just stop..."

Sukuna's lips stretched into a sinister smirk, his eyes narrowing in pleasure. "Excellent."

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