Chapter 12~ Goodbye Already?

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey!!!!! How're you all ? :) I had been quite busy with exams and vacation! But anyway, here is the next chapter. Sorry for the long wait  :) Hope you like this one :))

Don't forget to Comment/Vote/Fan <3


I opened my eyes to be greeted by the ceiling above me. Wrapped in Joe's arms like a birthday present, I wished for things to stay the same forever. I knew forever was a long time but it didn't hurt to hope.

"Good morning , sweety," an angel like voice spoke.

I shifted my position on the bed to look at his face. It was perfect even though he had just woken up.

"Good morning Joebear," I tried to sound cheerful.

I lifted my hand and placed it on his cheek slightly caressing the unshaved surface as he pulled me closer to him.

"So what are your plans for today?,"  I asked. For the past days, I had been spending every single minute of everyday with Joe and I didn't want today to be any different. I continued looking at him as he spoke.

"Well, I'll be spending half of the day with you and the rest unfortunately, I have to pack my bags,"

A cloud of shock passed over me.

"Packing? Why?," I asked now sitting straight.

"My two month vacation is almost gonna be over Am,"

And that was when it struck me that Joe's stay here wasn't permanent. I felt like the whole world came crashing down. I was sure Joe sensed my sadness for he placed his soft lips on my forehead.

"You know nothing is gonna change. We'll be separated by distance but I'll call you everyday and I'll visit you frequently," he helds my hands in his.

"I know," I managed to say without letting my tears fall.

"I'll never let you go," he promised. 

It was almost evening and I was seated on the bed looking down at my feet. That certainly hadn't been a good morning. As soon as Joe left for packing I came to Ashley's and told her all about it. She was the one I came to for relationship advice. The last time I had come, it was for choosing a date for  senior prom. But  this time it was different.

"So what's troubling you?," Ash's voice snapped me out of my trance. I slowly lifted my face to meet her eyes.

"Do you think Joe would cheat on you?,"

"No!," I cried in alarm. "Why would you even say something like that?,"

"Then why are you worried?," she questioned reasonably.

"Well, I've always thought distance relationships were a disaster," I answered.

"Not if there is true love," Ashley was always positive and that was one of the things that I loved about her.

"Listen Am, Joe doesn't seem to that type to cheat on you," she started.

"I know. I trust him and I'm not worried about that," I was confident.

"Then what is bothering you?,"

"Fate is what I'm worried about. What if, while we're apart, something happens? Something bad?," I looked at her.

"Since when did you believe in fate?,"

"I don't know. I just hope things stay the same,"

"From what I've seen, Joe is a man of his words," she commented which brought a smile on my dull face.

"Come on let's get going. I promised Nick I'd help him pack," 

She grabbed my hand and led me to her car. Did I mention she owned a Red Ferrari? Well, she did.

After climbing about thirteen floors in the elevator, we were finally in the boys' room.

"Looks like you're all set and packed," Ashley said. It did look that way for the place seemed quite empty.

"Nah! We have loads to pack," Kevin moaned.

"Don't worry. Ash is at your service," she giggled and went to help Nick who was carrying a pile of folded clothes.

"Hey,how're you doing?," Joe asked, rubbing his palm against my right arm.

"Not bad," I smiled and hugged him.

"We understand,Am. It must be difficult for you," Kevin spoke.

"Yes,I mean,it feels just like yesterday I met you all," I said in a babyish voice.

"Awwww," they all sang while Joe hugged me from behind,his arms around my waist  and kissed my cheek as I blushed.

"We still have two more days before we leave," Nick stated.

"And I'm gonna spend it with you," Joe whispered in my ear which created a tingling feeling inside me. Everytime he touched, it felt new.

"You know Damon's away. He has taken Rose to some theme park and he won't be home for the night. So what do you guys say about sleeping over?," I looked at them awaiting their reply.

"That sounds great," everyone chorused.

"Alright I'll go home and get things ready," I said as they nodded and I made my way out the door.

Once I was on the street, I grabbed my phone and called Derek.

"Hey!," I said as he picked up the phone.

"Hello," a sweet voice greeted me.

"We're having a sleepover at my house tonight. Make sure you're there,"

"Awesome girl! I'll bring some dvds," he replied and with that I hung up.

Letting out a heavy breath, I walked towards my house.


Sobs was all that I could hear. My vision was blurred and I couldn't see properly. From what I could make out I was sitting ona park bench and it was me who was crying. Something told me my life was doomed. But why? I din't know. I could sense something bad had happened and I was crying over it. Suddenly I heard footsteps from behind me and when I turned around,inspite of my blurry vision I could see him. The love of my life. I started crying even more when I looked right into his brown eyes. He was about to say something...

I woke up with a startle holding my chest. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror in front of me. I was crying in a dream looking at Joe? I was puzzled. Well, maybe it was nothing serious. Just symtomps of me missing Joe already? It had to be ... Or did it mean something else?


A/N: Hey again! I need your help with this one. Do you think there should be more romance between Nick and Ashley in this story ?? Comment your answers and do let me know. It will help me with a new chapter :) Waitin' for your answers... :))

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