Chapter 11~ Dream Wedding

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Woohooo!!! The wait is finally over for the next chapter is here ! :D Read it guys. Hope you like it and do comment/vote/fan :D {{Pretty Pleaseee with a cherry on top;)}}


A month had gone by ever since Joe and I fell in love. I smiled sheepishly to myself.

"Why are you smiling dear?," Joe asked me.

I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. It was raining outside and it only added more beauty to the whole situation.

"Well , you know its been a month since we started loving eachother," I replied.

"I know and there is so much more to come. We're gonna be together forever," he said and squeezed my hand. I hugged him as he softly kissed my ear.

"Isn't it crazy? I mean we fell in love just like that ," I looked at him. I could look at him all day.

"Amy, you made me go crazy about you ," he replied as I giggled and played with his hair.

"Come on , " Joe grabbed my hand and led me to the door.

"Omg! What are you doin' Joe? Its raining out there," I yelled as he dragged me and I was out in the open space with the rain drops falling on my face. Both of us were standing under the heavy rain.

"Do you love to be out in the rain?," Joe asked me , holding my hand all the time.

"Not usually. But I do love it now since you're here," I gave him an honest reply.

He leaned in closer to my face and pressed his lips against mine, holding me by the waist. Kissing him in the rain was more than what I could ask for. The way he held me made me get caught up in a daze. I couldn't help but let my lips pull into a smile. The kind of smile which said " I'd never want it to end"

"Kiss again," Kevin clapped his hands , standing inside the porch. I stuck my tongue out at him, laughing.

"Lets get inside," I said as I grabbed Joe and headed upstairs to my room. I opened my closet door as Joe sat on the bed across me. I grabbed two towels and handed him one. I stood in front of the mirror and started rubbing my hair.

"Will you think its weird if i start talking about our future wedding," he asked.

Wedding? Bells ringing? White dresses and flowers? I wanted to jump up and scream in happiness. But I stayed put. I turned around and looked at him , rather surprised.

"Why would I think its weird ?,"

"I don't know. Maybe you would think its too soon to decide," he replied.

"Joseph, any time is the perfect time,"

I sat next to him on the bed as he cupped my chins and rubbed my cheeks.

"Amy !," Damon's voice rang through my ears.

"Coming," I playfully ruffled his soft , wet hair and opened the door.

"I'm goin' out to eat . You guys wanna come ?," Damon asked, leaning on the wall by his side.

"UImm.... do you feel like going out to eat?," I turned and looked at Joe.

"Well , today, why don't I cook for you all?," he suggested.

"You cook?!" I exclaimed.

"Looking forward to it bro," Damon replied cheerfully and went away.

"Baby , you cook?," I asked again , happy as a litlle kid.

"Yes , I do," he giggled.

"Alright! Go , go , go . Make me something , I'm hungry ," I said as I hurried him into the kitchen.

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