Chapter 17~ Could this be THE END?

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My heart ached as I was seated on the brown leather couch surrounded by silence. Derek and I were still in the the boys apartment because we still needed answers. I looked up at Nick who was leaning against the wall across me. Joe had left a while ago but his reaction towards me was what made my heart ache. 

"Why?," I spoke, teary- eyed.  "What did I do to deserve this?,"

"Am, it's not how you think it is," Kevin took a seat next to me, trying to calm me down.

"Then what is it exactly?," Derek stepped in, his voice a litlle too harsh.

"Things happened while you were not here," Nick was hesitant.

"What things,Nick?," I asked. I had a right to know.  

Kevin took my hand in his as a way of assuring me," Joe , met with an accident ,Am,"

I was horrified. 

"WHAT! Wha..What do you mean 'accident'?," I was stuttering. Derek was shocked as well. Neither of us expected this kind of a response.

"A car accident," Nick continued. "He had a head injury,"

I couldn't believe the words they were speaking for it seemed unreal. How could this happen? Everything seemed to be perfect in my life and how did perfect turn into a disaster! 

"Why didn't anyone tell me before? Seriously, you guys couldn't even send me a message?," My hear was beating fast.

"Things were complicated, Am," Kevin replied.

"But I don't get it. What does the accident have to do with his engagement," Tears welled in my eyes as the words left my mouth.

Nick and Kevin stared at eachother, both waiting for the other to answer.

"SOMEONE TELL ME!," I yelled, throwing my hands out in desperation making a flower vase on the table by my side to fall to the floor.

"She needs to know," Derek agreed.

"The head injury was pretty serious. It affected his memory," Nick spoke, being extremely careful with the words he chose.

"Meaning?," I asked with a low voice.

"He only remembers the earlier part of his life and nothing about  our summer with you," 

I died hearing those words.  What Nick was saying absolutely made no sense to me. I stood clueless for everything semmed out of place. I didn't know how to react or what to say. Should I cry or should I scream? That was when Derek placed a firm hand on my shoulder, comforting me.

"You mean , he-he doesn't remember me?," I had struggle a lot to get those words out.

Nick nodded and I knew I was doomed. I turned around, threw myself into Derek's arms and started weeping.  

This hopeful voice inside my head screamed "IT CAN'T BE REAL" but the way Joe had reacted a while ago made me believe it was real which hurt even more.

I wiped my eyes and looked at Nick again. There were a few more questions which needed answers.

"Who is Amanda?," I asked , grabbing the tissue Kevin handed me.

"She is our Dad's friend's daughter and also Joe's fiance",

"He loves her?," 

"He has to. It's a publicity stunt, Am. Dad said it would improve both our and Amanda's reputation," Kevin answered.

Of all the things which made me sad, hearing that Joe never really loved Amanda made me feel a bit better.


Derek and I stayed at the apartment in their guest room. There were two beds in the room and I took the one by the window. That night, I couldn't sleep because whenever I closed my eyes, images of Joe and me flashed across my mind. How was I suppoed to get Joe back? Telling him the whole story would be pointless since he doesn't remember me at all. Should I just let fate decide?  All these thoughts made me feel that there was no point in living life anymore. I hugged my pillow even tighter as a tear rolled down my cheek. All the crying only left me thirsty and so I  stood up from my bed and walked out the room into the kitchen. My eyes were red from crying the whole day , actually a few days, which I noticed by looking in the mirror that hung on the kitchen wall.  I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle. The cold water was refreshing. Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me. I turned around immediately , my grip tightening around the bottle. It was Joe.

"Did you cry?," Joe asked, totally oblivious of everything.

"Uh, no, I didn't sleep well," I answered. It was too difficult to talk to him like he was some kind of a stranger.

He smiled at me in response. His beautiful smile, which brought even more tears to my eyes but I controlled them.

"You better go sleep then , oh and if you need anything don't be hesitant to ask," He smiled again and walked away.

The pain that I felt in my heart at that moment could never be expressed. Words weren't just enough. Was that how I was  going to feel for the rest of my life while Joe lives his with Amanda?  

While my mind was filled with nothing but negative thoughts, the phone rang on the kitchen counter. I took a few steps forward and saw the phone's screen. There was a photo of a beautiful blonde girl and the caller id read Amanda. I swallowed hard as I read that name. But then Joe walked in,

"Oh, it's for me," he said and picked up his phone.

I faked a smile and took a few steps back. How was I ever going to get my Joe back? ...


Author's Note: So how do you guys like the story so far? I would love to hear from you :D What do you think will happen to Joe and Amy  ? ;)

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