Chapter 16~ My <3 Stopped

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Author's Note: Yes finally my holidays are here and so here is the next chapter. I hope you guys like it. Do comment on what you think and super sorry for the delay guys! Love you all - Byee :)


It was a beautiful morning for the Sun looked at me and smiled. Derek and I were finally in L.A.

The six hour flight made me look weak and left me hungry. The jeans and black T-shirt I was wearing started to make me feek uncomfortable.

"Let's go to a nice place and get some breakfast," Derek said and led the way . I merely follwed.

The city was lively and active with people scattered around. We scurried across the road and reached a cafe. I was in no mood to eat but Derek certainly seemed hungry. We went inside the cafe and chose a table by the window just so I could count the cars passing by while Derek filled his stomach.

We sat across from eachother and Derek rubbed his hands together implying that he was ready to order,

"So," he hesitated. I stared blanky at him.

"What do you wanna eat?," he asked me , looking down at the menu card.

"Uh..nothing," I smiled. He looked at me , disappointed. Derek then waved his hand at a waitress. She had blonde hair which was dip dyed ih pink. She was wearing a black T-shirt and skirt. She was way too hot for a waitress who worked in some cafe.

Derek paused for a moment and then spoke," I'll have a cheese burger and a coke," he seemed confident with what he wanted.

 The waiter nodded her head and went away. Even though I kept my eyes glued to the window and pretended to look at the people who walked by , I knew Derek was watching me. He was either about to say something or he was waiting for me to say something. I though maybe I should break the silence and so I turned my face to look at him. But suddenly his phone buzzed. He took it out of his pocket and looked at the screen. 

"I'll be back in a minute," he said and left. I continued to look at the window again.

A few moments later , he walked back in. "Who was on the phone?," I questioned.

"Uhh..Nick," he said in a soft voice.

"Well, what did he say ?!," I was then sitting on the edge of my seat, no longer looking at the window but at Derek as if he held the answers to all my questions.

"He said he'll meet us here in 10,"

"But why can't Joe meet us? Doesn't he know I'm here ?," I looked confused.

"Am , we're here which means you'll get all the answers that you need but you really have to be patient," He started giving me advice." I crossed my arms across  my chest and sat back. "Fine!,"

Derek's burger and coke finally arrived. All the  while he was munching I could only think about Joe and the possible explanation they would give me about the 'enagagement'.

15 minutes later...

"Hey!," a familiar voice greeted us. Nick.

"Hey man," Derek smiled. Me on the other hand , wanted to just jump on him with all my questions but instead I controlled myself. I smiled at him but I couldn't just say hi to him as if everything was fine. 

"Let's go home and we can talk everything out," Nick assured us and we followed him after paying the bill ofcourse.

We got into NIck's car and off we went. The big builidings in L.A fascinated me. I wondered how they would look at nights with all the sparkling lights. Magnificent ofcourse! 

 I was so caught up in observing the surrounding around me that I didn't even realise that we had reached the boys' apartment long after the car had stopped. I got out of the car as Derek opened the door for me. I was so lucky to have a friend like him. He was more than just a friend. He was a brother. My eyes wandered looking at the parking lot which was huge and slowly they landed on Nick. He smiled at me , his usual shy smile. But that smile didn't hint that everything was going to be fine. It did the opposite or I thought so.

We stood in front of the elevator as the double doors opened. The elevator ride was similar to the car ride. Quiet and silent. I had so many questions that I had thought of asking Nick the minute I saw him. But then when I actually saw him I couldn't even open my mouth. Maybe I was just scared of what the answers to my questions might be. The double doors opened again and we stepped out but I had no idea on which floor we were on. Derek and I followed Nick along the long corridor with doors on either sides. 

"You guys live in an apartment ? Like don't you own a big bungalow or something?," I blurted out. Of all the questions I could've asked Nick I just had to go with that ! Stupid me! Derek looked at me confused.

"We do but we stay here sometimes to get away from the paparazzi," Nick answered, politely. I smiled.

We were now standing in front of the third door on the right as Nick knocked. The door opened.

"Welcome you guys," said a familiar voice as he pulled us all into a group hug.

"Kevin," I smiled really happy to see his joyous face.

I started looking around the house, obviously searching for you-know-who. No sign but before I could question, my eyes landed on a picture which hung on the wall. A photo of the three Jonas boys together during their vacation in Hawaii , I guessed as they were shirtless.

"Kevin, did you see my headphones?," a voice from behind me asked and I felt my heart stop. 

I turned around slowly , a million thoughts running through my mind. I saw him . Joe. The love of my life. My little heart expected him to run to me and sweep me in his arms but he just stood there.

"Where did you keep it Kev?," he continued to whine. I was totally taken aback by his behaviour.

"It's in the drawer  inside," Kevin replied. Joe smiled and he was about to turn back again but then he stopped. His eyes landed on Derek and then on me.

"Who are these people?," He asked looking at Nick and Kevin.

And for that moment, my heart really stopped.

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