Chapter 18~ A Little Bit Longer

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Author's Note: Hey guys!! So I'm back with a new chapter for Inseparable. I know it's been really a long time but I can explain! Let's just say times were rough but now I'm back! I'm back because this is what I love and I love that you guys still read my story. Thank you all so much. You motivate me to keep writing :) This is like a comeback chapter for me. So read/comment/vote and tell me if you like it. I know long gaps are tough to cope up with but bear with me on this one :) Let's stay inseparable <3  xoxo


Two months passed as I watched Joe live his life, completely clueless about me. To him I was just an ordinary friend but how could I prove to him that I was more than just ordinary in his life? I tried everything. I showed him our pictures, the ones we took when he stayed at my hometown, but all in vain. He remembered nothing. All he did was follow Amanda around like a lost puppy.

I was pretty much lost in my thoughts when Nick came in from the kitchen.

"Amy!," he called.

"Amy!!," he called again.

I immediately snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of his voice, "Ye..yes, Nick?"

"What are you thinking?,"

"Nothing, just letting my mind wander," I replied.

"And I bet your thoughts brought you right back to Joe," He looked at me as I sighed.

"What do you suppose I should do, Nick? Everything is over. Maybe its just the best if Derek and I go  home," I said, hopelessness obviously peeking out.

"You're not gonna give up that easily , are you?," It was Derek. Somehow everybody seemed to eavesdrop in this house.

"It's not working Derek. Joe is not  gonna remember me. Have you seen him these past days? Seeing him with Amanda is only making things worse for me," I yelled, angry at the thought of them as a couple.

Silence started to fill the room. I guess Nick and Derek couldn't find the right words to convince me. I wouldn't blame them. I wouldn't be convinced anyway.

"You've done so much for me already, Derek. I'm just wasting your time asking you to be here with me. It's better if we go home. You have your life to live," I looked at him.

Derek walked across the room and sat beside me, " Amy, you're my best friend. There is nothing more important to me in my life than watching my bff live happily. Do you think I could possibly live my life while you're crying your eyes out?," He wiped away a tiny tear that managed to escape my eye without my knowledge.

"We have to do something about this," Derek squeezed my hand tightly.

"What do you think we can do? The wedding is in two weeks," Tears started rolling down my cheeks as the words left my mouth.

Yes, the wedding was in two weeks which meant I had absolutely no way to get Joe back. If he doesn't remember the past he could be married to Amanda and the couple would be off on  their honeymoon.

I flinched at the though of it.

"Maybe we should tell Joe the truth," Nick suggested.

I raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?! Joe is definitely not gonna believe us."

"We can always give it a try," he replied. I looked at Derek who was looking back at me as if that was the right thing to do. I wasn't entirely sure if telling Joe the truth would solve everything but I had to give it a try.  Just the thought of it made me nervous but there was no other way.

I stood up and wiped away my tears and cleared my throat as a way of showing them I was ready to face whatever was ahead of me.

"Where is Joe?," I asked.

"He told me he was going to have breakfast at... Amanda's," Nick hesitated.

"Alright then, I've waited all this time. I can wait a little bit longer," I said, firmly. I walked over to the window and stared at the empty blue sky. Will telling him the truth be enough to get his memories back? Will he remember his love for me? There was only one way to get answers and for that I had to wait...

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