Chapter 44 - The Ace and Thief

Start from the beginning

"You idiot!" he replied, grumbling. "Why didn't you say your eyes were blurry and that you were going to pass out."

"Cuz I didn't want you to carry me, perv. Don't think I didn't forget about those magazines you read"

"Shut up! If you can't see or are going to pass out then you have to say something! Idiot! Did you seriously forget what happened last time you passed out from dehydration?"

(Y/N) pouted. "I passed out for five seconds and Ryo overpanicked... Sei and Shintaro scolded me and didn't let me play for the rest of practice since I had to relax and stay hydrated."

"Exactly! Imagine what Akashi would do to us if he found out it happened again," Aomine responded, sounding annoyed.

"Geh," she blurted out. "Sorry."

It was silent for a few more moments as he walked, ignoring the stares of the passing bystanders who cooed at how cute of a couple they were. "(N/N), there was another reason why you quit sports, wasn't there?" She stayed silent, keeping her head buried into his neck, but the slight tightening of her arms gave him his answer. "You love sports, but something is holding you from coming back. What is it? Is it because there is no one strong enough? I know you didn't lose your passion because you were smiling," Aomine said, eyes looking forward. "When we were playing, you were smiling like in the past when we all played together, even if it was for a moment."


"Can you only enjoy sports when you play against us, your fellow members of the GOM? Because you know we're strong."

"That's... true, but-"

"Is it your condition then?"

"..." Aomine felt her heave a shaky breath. "...I- I haven't told anyone this yet..." she breathed out, her tone sounding nervous and as if she was going to cry. "Promise me Daiki... please don't tell anyone, especially Ryo."


"Please." she sounded desperate, and he could feel the tears from her eyes dripping onto his neck. Aomine's eyes widened and he stopped walking, craning his neck to look over at the girl.

"...I promise," he replied, adjusting his hold on (Y/N) who lifted her head slightly, making Aomine see her pitiful expression. She opened her mouth and everything seemed to freeze. Aomine's words got caught in his throat as his heart seemed to stop at her words. He watched her with careful eyes as the tears kept pouring from her eyes.

'(N/N)... you... Why the hell haven't you told us this.'

Then, she smiled as if everything was okay, as if she wasn't crying, as if she hadn't just exposed a giant secret which could change everything.

"This is a secret between us now, Aomine Daiki, you promised. I hope you can keep this to yourself."

I grinned as we reached the gym. I was still clinging onto Aomine's back as he carried me. "Thanks again, Daiki!" I grinned and he scoffed.

"Stop faking your personality around me," he grunted and glared at me. "Your eyes are red from crying." Using the sleeves of my jacket, I rubbed my eyes. "Quit it, that'll make it worse!"

"Ehhh? Are you caring for me Daiki?" I teased, giggling. "You must really love me."

He let out a scoff, a light blush on his face. "Yeah I care for you, so stop getting hurt and acting like an idiot."

I hummed, a gentle smiling coating my face. "...Thank you Daiki."


"Thank you for caring for me." 'I really appreciate you.' "You're such a good friend!" 'You know the true me, you can see through my masks, you accept the real me.' "Daiki... if I show my true colors, would everyone else accept me?"

"I don't know," Aomine said, his face looking serious. "I wouldn't know if they would because I'm not them, but the only way to find out is by showing them. Besides..."

'Knowing that it's you, I know that they will accept you.'

"You're Kise (Y/N), an annoyingly good person."

A/N : Ugh this chapter is trash, my bad. I'm not the greatest at writing basketball scenes since I'm not an expert on the sport, so sorry if it's boring or not that great. Also, sorry for not updating last week, I swear to god like I'll complete all the projects and assignments, think I'm good on time to write and BAM! Piles of work that'll take hours and days to complete. I might have to change my schedule to 1 update every 2 weeks until summer time if school keeps doing this to me.

Honestly, I think that Aomine and (Y/N) relate the most, which is why they have similar ideals and thoughts, and why they can see through each other so easily. Although (Y/N) and Kise are twins and are very similar, he can't actually relate to her since he's never felt what Aomine and (Y/N) felt. I actually based (Y/N) on Aomine at first which is why I said that they're "two peas in a pod"

Always, Aomine and the boys will be meeting next chap and some shit gonna go down between them. Also, the secret that (Y/N) told Aomine is gonna be real important later on, I'd say especially during the Winter Cup and Last Game. (Yes, ima involve the Last Game in this fanfic).

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