Chapter 23: Happy Family

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Danielle's mom knocked on the bedroom door and said, "girls, dinner is ready!"

"Coming!" Danielle shouted as she covered Stefania's mouth who was... cumming.

The blonde started laughing as she got off the brunette. "I hate you," Stefania mumbled almost breathless.

"Let's go," the blonde said as she pulled Stefania up then handed her clothes.

The dinner was nice and Danielle had another slice of cake. They were in the living room with the blonde's sister.

"How about your family? Are they okay with you liking girls?" Danielle asked. "My mom was very supportive. My dad didn't approve at first but he's fine with it now," Stefania explained.

Danielle's mom handed them a first aid kit so that Stefania could clean the blonde's wound.


"I haven't even touched it yet!" Stefania exclaimed. Danielle's sister was laughing nonstop at the couple. "What have you done to my sister?" Stephanie asked.

"I honestly don't know," Stefania chuckled.


A year later

"Danielle! The baby is crying!" Stefania shouted from the kitchen.

"She doesn't wanna stop. I even offered my boob," Danielle said as she walked toward Stefania with the baby in her arms.

"Silly, you have no milk," Stefania said, laughing as she got the baby from the blonde. "There, there. You don't like aunt Danielle huh?" she talked to the baby.

Danielle pouted and said, "what if our kids won't like me?"

"That's impossible, my love." Stefania answered. "When is Staphanie coming back again?" she continued.

"Hmm, we have 2 more days with this cute little one."

Stefania and Danielle's relationship has been smooth sailing for more than a year except for the times Danielle was being childish. The blonde's sister attended a seminar in LA and left her 3month old baby with the two since they won't be back on set until next week.

"I love you," Danielle mumbled.

"I love you too, baby," Stefania answered.

"Hmm, can we put the baby in the crib now, mommy?" the blonde said wiggling her eyebrows.

"We can't make love with the baby in the room!"

Danielle pouted and said, "please. Please."

"We do it almost everyday and not only at night. Can we just take a break tonight?" Stefania said rolling her eyes.

"Fine. Hmm... Do you wanna move in with me?" Danielle blurted out as the Italian put the baby in the crib.

Stefania looked at the blonde with a growing smile on her face and said, "si! Yes! Yes! I love you."

The Italian showered Danielle with small kisses on the lips then looked her in the eyes.

"I know we always spend the night together but I've been wanting to ask you. Sorry I didn't ask you during a date to make it special. I couldn't wait anymore," Danielle apologized.

"It's perfect, my love. So I'm moving here?"

"Yeah. About your house... what should we do with it?" the blonde asked.

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