"Come with us." Elena suddenly muttered, making Bonnie a little confused.


"Not here. Someplace quiet. Us three have to talk." Elena held her hand out. Bonnie took it and they, and Ariana, walked away.


Liz was lying on her cot in the Salvatore basement when Caroline came in. Liz sat up. Caroline walked over to her and looked down at her tray of food.

"You didn't eat much..." Then, there was awkward silence for a few seconds. "Good news: Doctor Damon said the vervain is almost out of your system. So with any luck, you'll be freshly compelled and back in your own bed by tonight." Liz didn't answer or look at Caroline. "Are you really just gonna pretend like I don't exist?"

"Yes." Liz snapped at her daughter. "So please, go."

Caroline took the tray and started to walk away.

"As usual, you don't care. Got it. Just like before I was a vampire. It's not like I died or anything."

"Are you... are you really dead?" Liz wondered quietly.

"Yes and no." Caroline admitted.

"How is it possible?" Liz whispered. So Caroline walked back into the room and shut the door.


Elena, Ariana, and Bonnie were walking across the yard.

"I can't believe this..." Bonnie spoke.

"It's a lot, I know." Ariana sighed.

"Madeline and Katherine's been doing everything that they can to drive me and Stefan, and Ari and Nathan, apart." Elena stated. 

"And Caroline just got trapped in the middle." Ariana added quietly. The three of them sat down on a bench.

"It's not that you two and your boyfriends are pretending to fight. It's that I didn't even know you guys were fighting at all." Bonnie mentioned.

"I'm sorry, we don't want to keep things from you, but you've made it pretty clear where you stand with the whole vampire thing." Elena pointed out.

"So that makes me the odd man out." Bonnie snapped.

"No — no, Bonnie, of course not!" Ariana quickly exclaimed.

"I know where I stand, guys. And I know where you two stand. But where do we stand?" Bonnie asked.

"You're our friend, Bonnie. I didn't mean to let this craziness with Caroline get in the way of that." Elena said.

"But, she needs you, too..." Ariana whispered.

"Not yet, I just... she's a vampire, I can't. I think we should get back." Bonnie got up and left.

Elena and Ariana exchanged looks and they both sighed.


Ariana was sorting out masks. She saw Nathan and Bonnie talking, and she thought that Elena had wandered off to find Jenna or something. Damon walked over to her.

"Damon, what are you doing here?" Ariana asked.

"Looking for my two baby bros." Damon responded. "Speaking of, would you tell yours to stop following me around?"

"What's going on?" Ariana immediately questioned.

"Ask eager beaver." Then, Damon walked away as Jeremy arrived.

"Jeremy, what is he making you do?" Ariana wondered.

"He's not making me do anything, Damon and I--"

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