Nervously, she waited for the results. To her, it was an exceptional lap. Especially in a Williams. She could pinpoint a few errors here and there but the lap will never be perfect. Unlike previous laps, there were no major errors for her to fix showing her progression since the first practice session on Friday. Once again, she felt comfortable in the car and working with it in harmony.

"P3 Emilia. P3. Brilliant job. Really proud." John confirmed by the time she was round the third corner.

"YEAHHHH!" Emilia screamed probably damaging her engineer's ears. "Amazing job everyone. Thanks for all your hard work." A wave of relief and joy overcame her.

"You deserve this one. George is P5." John added. It meant she'd outqualified him for the first time ever. He would be starting behind her.

"Fuck me. P3! This is absolutely insane." Emilia was astounded by her own skill. She had never expected to get that despite getting fourth in qualifying last time. To add to it, she'd beaten her teammate who was practically impossible to beat on a Saturday.

Emilia drove into the pits and parked next to the big three sign nudging it faintly as she stopped. To her right was a Mercedes and a Red Bull. She was delighted to be competing with them and actually beaten the other Merc and Red Bull who were in potential Championship winning cars.

She climbed out of her car desperate to hug her team. Emilia leaped out and went to celebrate with the team in dark blue and white. They cheered loudly as she bounced up and down almost knocking over the barrier that separated her and her team. There were designated tables for the top three where they could take their helmets off and get a drink.

"Surprised to see you up here." Max commented with his helmet still on.

"Same goes for you." Emilia cheekily replied. She slid off her helmet and placed it carefully on the table. She was aware that her appearance probably wasn't great but it didn't matter too much. Her hair was neatly tied into a bun which she let loose so it could flow down her back.

"Emilia, great job there!" Lewis exclaimed having taken his helmet off as well.

"Thanks Lewis. You too." Emilia responded still gleaming. She took a drink and saw George wandering over to her. He wrapped her in his arms and lifted her up making her squeal slightly.

"Where did that come from?!" George cried. Emilia could tell from his eyes that he was smiling as well despite being beaten by her.

"I have absolutely no idea!" Emilia shook her head still baffled by her performance. She walked over to get weighed with George where she spoke to a few of the other drivers including Lando.

Because she had qualified third, Emilia had an interview to do which went smoothly before she could return to the garage. Her team celebrated there and went to her driver's room afterwards where she got a massage from Christine while Aurelia scrolled through her phone.

"Who's phone's ringing?" Emilia questioned having her face submerged into the massaging table.

"Oh it's yours." Aurelia jumped up and handed the driver her phone who was receiving an incoming FaceTime call.

"Hey Grandad." Emilia greeted excitedly.

"Hey Em. I wanted to call your straight after quali but I knew you would be with your team and I didn't want to interrupt that so I waited to call you." Fred confessed.

"Grandad you didn't have to." Emilia was touched by his thoughtfulness but it was clear he was unaware how much his granddaughter would do for him. "I would have picked up the phone so you could have been there with us."

That's Racing Baby | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now