。 °。 ° ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 51- ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ

428 16 10

"What are you saying?" The police officer asks, leaning his body into the teen's area. Bakugou sighs, his fingers tapping in annoyance on the table. He was tempted to lash out in the moment, though knew he couldn't due to the heavy chains hooked onto the wrists and metal table. 

"Could you hear me? I said Deku's an maniac." He glares, watching as the officer scoffs. 

"Don't get that attitude with me. You're the one in jail, not me." The cop hisses, causing Katsuki to blandly roll his eyes. Exhaling, Bakugou stares at the lie detector, seeming bored in the police station. He wasn't giving answers about any of his doings, so everyone was shocked once he brought up Midoriya. It was so out of the blue, they almost believed he was fibbing.

 He did hate the male after all, and what could the future hero possibly do wrong? 

"Alright then, tell me Bakugou, what makes you think that?"

You turn your head immediately, a terrifying tension following behind the green-haired male as he skips towards you, giggling rapidly. The alleyway seemed more compact now, as you begin backing up impulsively, causing all the students to, obviously, notice your concern. 

The third-years give a confused expression, seeming nervous about the strange affectionate nickname Izuku was naming, and your stunned body made the situation worse. 

"Hey Midoriya! What're you doing here?" Mirio asks, shielding you with his presence as Tamaki steps away as well, ending up next to you. He grabs your hand protectively, which you attempt to yank away, yet he doesn't allow it. 

"Oh! Mr. Aizawa told me to collect some supplies for an upcoming project, yet I can't find the store. I think I got lost, silly me!" He yelps, gritting his teeth for a moment before continuing to keep up his innocent persona. 

Togata chuckles, closing his eyes in a strong smile. Deku does the same, except everyone could tell it was obviously fake. 

His usual laughs were high-noted, and if he was in a insane mood, they would grow louder in volume, as if resembling a bell. This laugh was low, and you could almost hear the boredom and venom exiting his lips.

Suddenly, his emerald, dull eyes shift from the taller male, instantly onto yours. His pupils seem to spark up in happiness, as a true grin grows on his face, twitching endlessly. You shiver, your body stiffing, unable to move. 

"Y/N! I was looking for you!" Izuku begins, running over to you before Mirio subtly blocks off the route. Izuku sees this and growls with a glaring stare, immediately turning to you once again. "Anyways, the teachers told us that you left school, why is that?" He asks with a frown, cocking his head to the left. 

You say nothing, feeling a sense of worry welling up due to being surrounded by mentally ill students. You could feel your palms become clammy, which made it easier to slip out of Amajiki's grasp. Swinging yourself outwards you feel yourself aggressively fly out and hit the wall. 

"J-Just leave me a-alone.. Please!" You whine, causing Tamaki's mouth to agape. Izuku only smiles at the sight, and faces Mirio once again, seeming pleased with the incident at hand. 

"Now, if you could please let me bring Y/N to the school, that'd be excellent." The emerald-haired teen gives a smirk, his nose scrunching up in the process. The third year's kind grin fades away, into a serious expression. 

"No, Midoriya, I don't think I will."

"Awe, that's all right I suppose! I guess I'll just have to show a bit more, aggression, to have you see my way." He says in a positive voice, as if exhilarated to have an rejection from someone. You shrink down, seeing the new kind of demeanor changing on Deku. 

It was more, menacing, with much more insanity fuming off of him. 

"You sure you can beat me?" Mirio smiles, gazing at the green and red swirls twirling around Deku's arms and thighs. Izuku rolls his eyes, before staring with excitement towards the male. A large sneer graces Midoriya's face, his body squatting down in a low position. 


"Well for starters, he kidnapped Y/N, and I'm sure is planning to do it again."


"I've known that brat for most of my life, and suddenly, his attitude has completely changed into this sadist, uncaring psychopath that's only fond of one person! I mean, I may be insane as well, but he's far worse, even I can tell."

"Wait, who was the one person he cares for?"

"Is that not obvious? Y/N."

You whimper, your knees growing weak as you stand up. Mirio and Midoriya were beginning to fight, showing off the side of them that is ruthless and crude.
Amajiki's focus was still on you though, making it impossible to escape, since he could easily wrap you around with the sudden wing forming from his back. 

You wanted to scream and cry for help, but it was most likely midnight by now, so no one was out in the town, nor would they know where the wails were coming from. 

Though Mirio was older, and was stronger than Izuku in the start, Midoriya was strangely more powerful now, as if he had an advantage. The anxious one was away from them, taking only a few glances behind the others. He reaches out his hand to you, it trembling faintly. 

"..Here.. Come with me. Okay?" He whispers, leaning close to you. Quickly shaking your head, you take a few steps backwards as you hear small crackles of thunder slowly moving to you. 

"I-I can't! What about them!?" You squeal, pointing to the action filled fighting happening only a few inches away from you. Amajiki sighs, a rush of rain beginning to pour on him. He looks at them for a second, the clear salt water being mixed with crimson liquid. 

"..I..It's fine! T-They'll be fine. Just.. Y/N.. Take my hand." He pleads, seeming to lose hope as his voice trails away. Again you rapidly shake your skull, now trying the hide your crying face with your sleeve. 

As you take another baby step away to safety, you suddenly feel a large gush of strength from under you, forcing yourself to glide into the stone wall. You face the ground in a groan, noticing the, now cracked, ground. 

Izuku must've used his quirk harshly on the ground, at that's the reason it's ruined. Your eyes soon become blurry, and when you lifted your finger to your face, all you could sense was a thick red liquid, staining your forehead and cheeks. 

Taking a shaking exhale, you cry out once again, before feeling yourself slowly drifting off. You were unconscious.  

"Whoever's with him won't survive, he's that crazy."

"Then how are you alive currently? Wouldn't have Midoriya harmed you by now?"

"Oh, he tried, yet he hasn't snapped at that point. I haven't seen him since, yet, as much as I despise to say this, I know that when the nerd does find me, I won't make it our alive."


"You may enter...Wait..Shoto?"

"Oh hi there, dear old dad!"


・ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ; 51・

・ ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ; 1205・

・ 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤. 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘! ・

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