。 °。 ° ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 32- ᴍᴀᴢᴇ

757 33 20


The door closes, leaving you alone in the basement once again. Even with it being almost pitched black and horrifying, it was also quite peaceful at the same time. I mean, at least you weren't running away from psychopaths like you do, surprisingly, frequently.  

Exhaling, you quickly gaze around the room once again, hoping something catches you eye. 

Shockingly, something does. 

A small shine sparkles across the room, lighting up the darkness. Though it was only a moment, you noticed. You raise an sharp eyebrow, squinting to see more of the object sourcing this suspicious energy. It did as told, the darkened air glowing once again. You didn't know what it was, but you felt strangely drawn to it. 

You take a soft step towards the substance, your breath lingering in speed. Either this was a trap, or you were on your way to escape. Either way, you took the risk. You just hoped Shinso wouldn't find out. 

You didn't know his limit of insanity yet. 

The mysterious object continues shining, it becoming brighter the closer you were to it. Suddenly, you were right in front of it, now seeing what the glowing substance was.

A metal door. 

The shine was the metal handle reflecting off the dim light above. It was tight, seeming to only fit your size and smaller. A squeak of curiosity leaves your lips, as you hesitantly reach for the knob. It felt cool to the touch, freezing like every other corner in this low-temperature room. 

You turn it slowly, gazing at the door behind you in case Shinso decides to enter. Luckily, it looked like he wouldn't for a while, since he was preparing dinner. You shift the handle until you hear a faint click, the door opening automatically. 

Curiosity springs inside of you, causing your helpless body to duck low, and begin crawling into the maze. The sides continued to graze across your fragile skin as the air surrounding you started to differ once you close the entrance behind you. Instantly, everything around you becomes pitch black, the only other color showing from a small crack under the door. 

"..What am I doing?" You mutter to yourself, your body shivering softly. Was this whole action you were taking dumb? I mean, you just found a random opening in the wall, and now you're climbing through it. Did this even lead to the outside? Or would it randomly end and you would have to turn back? 

Either way, your presence still crawls down the squeezing hallway, your breath quickening in worry. The area surrounding you turned so dark, you couldn't tell if your eyes were open or not. You could feel your forehead hitting the walls a few times, meaning you had to turn. And though you usually turned left you continued to bump into shields ahead of you. 

Your head hits the steel gate once again, causing you to grumble as you placing your hand to the left. Though, that had a wall as well. You touch the right side, which was covered with metal too. Did you reach the end? Or was this an exit?

Facing forward once again, you scan the mysterious wall with your palm, feeling for any large objects attached. 

Strangely there was. 

It seemed like the same handle you used to open this door in the first place, meaning you found an exit. Right? 

You reach for the knob, grip it tightly, and twist until you hear the familiar sound from earlier. It opens the same, widening to show not what you expected. It looked like a room, the walls being painted a pastel pink color, small, fluffy clouds hanging from the ceiling. It looked so pretty, exactly how you wanted your room to look when you were younger. 

There was a miniature crib rocking carefully on the right side of the wall, with a light brown teddy bear trapped inside, it's small nose poking through a gap in the crib. 

It was nice, but horrifying at the same time. 

Who was it for? Why was the room created and decorated so neatly? You examine it more, now seeing the narrow window placed highly at the top of the baby area. It had bars covering it, resembling one at a jail. You take a step towards the door leading out of the room, frantically wanting to leave this suspicious place. 

Though, before you could even touch the knob, it opened. 

You take a sharp gasping, falling on the ground from reflex. Though, instead of the presence being the crazed male, who would most likely yell at you for seeing you in a different area, it was someone else entirely. Someone you've never seen before. The figure looks down at you with a slightly confused expression, their golden hazel eyes gazing. 

They seemed shocked at first, before seeing the smaller opened door attached to the nearby wall. They sigh, facing their attention onto you again. The stranger open's their mouth to speak, though you begin before them. 

"W-Who are you?!" You yelp, watching as the presence stares away awkwardly. 

"..That.. doesn't matter." They begin, looking at your quivering body. They didn't show any sympathy or hatred like others do. The stranger seemed.. slightly confused of why you were so jumpy. "Anyway.. how'd you fine.. the.. door?" 

You shrug, an awkward tension swarming around the room as you stand up once again. Getting a closer look at the silhouette ahead, they had blond tips, with deep brown hair on the top. They looked nervous, and their voice was soft and gentle. 

"Uh.. where am I?" You mumble, your voice strangely causal. It was if the person ahead was as disturbed as you. 

"A nursery.. That's what Shinso told me, anyway.." You raise an eyebrow, your palms sweating slightly. What was this male thinking? A hum escapes your lips for them to elaborate, which he does so. 

"Shinso said.. it's for when you guys are older.. and have a.. child."


"Don't be so naïve. We'll find her soon." 

"Tsk, you said that last time we talked."

"...Well we will. Trust me."


・ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ; 32・

・ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ; 1050・

A/N; just so you know, this 'stranger' isn't from MHA, it's actually from another anime I watch! So, who do you think they/she/he is?

・𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤. 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘!・

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