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"Sorry it had to come to this, love. But I had no. other. choice..."

You pout, kicking a nearby pebble down the grey sidewalk. It was another boring day, where you wait around for you parents to come home, just to be isolated in your 'room'. 

It wasn't even your room, technically. It was rented. 

Your dad had to go Japan as a business trip, and decided to bring you for a 'daughter father time'. 

Guess they didn't expect for you to be stuck at 'home' most of the time. 

Currently, you snuck out of the house, and were on your way to the park. Not like your father would know though, he was too busy at work to, check on you, bring home food, or even answer any of your texts or calls. 

You were ten at the time, and instead of doing normal children things like hanging out with friends, families or animals, you were here, walking down the lonely sidewalk by yourself. 


Though you had a quirk, you weren't used to use it, so it was basically pointless. You mine as well were quirkless currently. 

You exhale, gazing at the same rock that wouldn't get out of your way. Spotting the park ahead, a small smile grows on your lips, hoping you could meet someone and not be alone like yesterday. 

You begin taking a step off the sidewalk, walking onto the road. You start crossing the street, not noticing the speeding car coming towards you. Your pupils shift to it, your life flashing before your eyes. You were in the middle of the way, the car couldn't stop. This was it. 

You tighten your eyelids closed, accepting you fate. Your breath quickens as you cramp your body together, hoping it would slightly ease the pain coming your way.

This was it, you were going to get hit. 

Until.. you weren't. 

You open your eyes slowly, seeing a taller boy, holding onto your wrist. You were off the road now, and onto the other end of the sidewalk. You couldn't see him, as you were staring at the spot you were in shock. 

You then turn, facing the life savior. He had a few scars caused by burns, but they didn't seem fatal. The male also had messy red hair, with drips of sweat running down his face. Though the feature that caught you the most,

were his glowing persian blue irises.  


"T-Touya..?!" You scream, not entirely recognizing the male standing before you. He smirks, a dull yet threating looking glistening in his eyes. 

"I go by Dabi now." He says simply, casually rubbing the dust bunny off his jacket.

He looked so different. 

He was so different.

His face was stitched, and his demeanor gave none of the same familiar memories that came to your mind. For instance, the past version of him was kind hearted, giving off a trusting behavior. Was it all fake?

➛𝙖𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙨𝙩 (𝙢𝙝𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙨)Where stories live. Discover now