Chapter 69 Present

Start from the beginning

"Why only two?" Ren asked.

"Because they might share some information. And if they do and they find out that they were given different information, they might find it suspicious." I pointed out.

Nate crossed his arms and leaned in closer to me. "Am I the only one finding it weird that you're coming up with actually brilliant plans? And to think ahead for that matter?"

I scoffed. "Oh please. I am just running out of schemes. Then that reasoning just popped out of nowhere. You know what they say, work smarter not harder." I smiled proudly.

Nate wanted to say something, but Ren stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. "Alright, Rose. Tell us the plan."

There would be two locations. The first one would be in the stables, specifically in Midnight's cubicle. The second location will be in the library. It would be hidden in the cookbook sections. In every fake location, we would place a box big enough that could fit the actual chalice. We would place a strand of air in each box that would break when the box is opened. There would be a hidden hole at the bottom of each box where we can check if it was open or not from time to time.

It's not a guarantee that it would work but at least it's something that we can work with. And if one of them does break, at least we can narrow down the suspects.

Midnight and the cookbook sections were a good spot. It's because no one would ever dare visit those places in the first place. Especially Midnight's cubicle. I heard that Midnight would bite any stranger that would go near him. Maybe that was why Ace would personally groom his stallion.

The plan was simple. Ren and Nate would be the ones to inform the knights about the location of the first fake chalice. Nate would ask Terrence to give him some special training and would unconsciously tell his father about the location. Well, he is a big simp for his father these past few days, maybe Terrence wouldn't find it odd.

Since Brandon and Liam are both beastmen, Ren would invite them on a hunt. And that is where Ren would slip the information to them. I don't know how he's going to make it work but I trust that Ren would think of something. Nate did give him an idea though, but I didn't hear what it was. He just whispered something in Ren's ear that made him turn to me and blush. Then he headbutted Nate and they started arguing.

I, on the other hand, as my aunt's most beloved and annoying niece, would just blatantly tell them the location. With my unpredictable personality, it's a walk in the park for me.

Sometimes, my personality does have its perks.

After we settled on the plan, we all went on our separate ways to do our parts. I already know where the queen would be by now. I headed to her office, the usual place that I see her working on some documents while King Luke would review the budget.

"Hello, Auntie!" I said and opened the door without even knocking.

"Rosalie!" She scolded me immediately. "I told you countless times to knock. That is what a proper princess should do."

I looked around the room and saw all the stack of papers on her table. I grimaced. "That's a lot of paper. You want me to burn them for you?"

"No! As much as possible I don't want you going anywhere near these important documents. It's bad enough that Luke has been ditching his work lately. I don't need you adding more to my work." She sighed tiredly.

I blinked when I noticed that the king was indeed missing in the room. I initially thought that he was just covered by the stacks of papers. "Where is he anyway?"

"I don't know. Go to the gardens. Maybe he's there taking care of his plants again in the blasted greenhouse. He says it's relaxing, but I don't see the point in any of that."

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