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Zhongli and Venti gathered all of the books that (YN) had asked for. Putting all of them on the table or on the floor near (YN). The three basically read all of the books that were gathered into the infirmary. Although Venti is not the one who would sit still in one place, he still tried his best to do so. Even so, he still muttered up complaints and ventured to the kitchen ever so often. And when he's not in the kitchen or in the other parts of the house, he would hum songs and play his lyre. Bringing some sort of comforting noise to the room full of flipping pages noises or just quills scratching against the paper.

"What about this one, (YN)?"

"No. I don't have any signs of high fever nor a cold. I doubt that it's that one."

"Oh! Then how about this!? Ummm... how do you say this?"

"Let me see. Unfortunately not that one either. I don't have rashes. I just have this black mark on my chest."

They continued on and on. Guessing and guessing what kind of disease (YN) could have. Soon, all of the books kept increasing in the infirmary and becoming a messy library. The three wanted to give up and that's no joke. But Zhongli and Venti were persistent. Urging on in trying to see what they could find with (YN)'s books. That was until Venti saw a book that had a similar design to the mark on (YN)'s chest. 

"I found something!" Venti called to the other two. Showing them the book, (YN) was able to recognize that book. It was a journal that his brother had written for Dolion. In other words, it's one of the stuff that Dolion has that he didn't destroy. As much as he wanted to chuck it, he can't. Koumei was the one who made this. That stupid brother of his wanted to give this to Dolion before the war had happened. So he can't destroy it. Even if it was Dolion's, this book still belonged to his brother since Koumei didn't have the chance to give it to Dolion. Not to mention, there were a few curses that (YN) had helped along the way in the previous years. But he doesn't want to say that he was grateful for this thing to have helped him. There's no freaking way he can.

"Zhon'er, there are still some of these books left in my room. Under the bed, get them." Zhongli nodded and wasted no time to get those books.

The three of them then stayed in the infirmary for hours and hours after Zhongli got the chest of books. Days passed and they didn't notice how much time has passed. Venti, however, did. It was already two weeks since they started reading and trying to find what was wrong with (YN). Venti was quite surprised that the three of them didn't even notice how much time has passed. Most likely that they aren't human and have lived for centuries.

When you become immortal or just have a longer lifespan than humans, time flies so fast. You won't even notice that a century has passed. It feels like a day has only passed. Or even an hour. Venti was sick of that and he can tell that Zhongli and (YN) were, too, sick of that feeling. But Venti doesn't know how sick the two are of time. They have lived longer than him and have seen how much humans had advanced. They have experienced that Venti will never experience. The two are probably now numb because of time. And only grew more numb when they lost someone so precious to their side.

Of course, Venti had also felt that. He lost a dear friend of his and so did Zhongli. However, (YN) lost someone that couldn't be replaced by anyone. A brother that has been with him so many years. It must have felt so foreign without his side anymore. At first, Venti couldn't understand why the other original archons were so careful around him. Always avoiding the topic of family or something similar. It only then did the Cryo Archon had explained to him.

"You mischievous wind spirit, if you lost an arm, you, too, would feel so foreign without it, no? But Kojutsu lost a half. A half that he could not even regrow with his tremendous healing prowess."

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