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AN: pls no spoilers for persona. i wanna buy it and im saving money for it so pls

It was now tomorrow and Childe was once again the training room. Along with Jean and Diluc training on their own. Jean attacking the moving dummies and dodging their attacks. Diluc is focusing more on speed, trying to dodge all the arrows that are endlessly shot at him. Some arrows were slow, and some were fast. Faster than what he's used to. A few scratches had adorned his body and Jean's body was glistening with sweat. Even in the dark, one could see a single drop of sweat dripping down from her forehead.

(Aether, Venti, and Zhongli were in the room, guarding the room where the experiment was. Monitoring it just in case something happened)

In comparison, Childe was only fixing his posture or (YN) might scold him once again. "How many times have I told you to straighten your back!?" Seven times. (YN) had told the ginger male to straighten his back seven times. He also told Childe to not lower his elbow and his feet shoulder width apart. At this point, Childe was getting frustrated. He doesn't know why (YN) is trying to train him so hard. And if he's this free, shouldn't he focus on that stupid experiment of his to fix the monster problem?

It's almost been 2 weeks already and they still have heard no kind of progress. Apart from that (YN) has yet to find a way that would kill them entirely, there was no news. Radio silence!

Childe has fixed his posture, focusing his eyes on the target before releasing his arrow. And for the first time in two hours, he had finally shot right in the center. Childe was about to celebrate and yell out, but (YN) cut him off by saying, "Two hours and you only got one shot? I shouldn't have expected much from a person who can't use the bow well..." Now that hurt. It really hurt.

"C'mon now! The bow is my weakest weapon," Childe complained, his figure hunching back. Trying to play the please-don't-be-angry-at-me-I'm-still-not-good-at-this act. But it was not working on (YN). Rather, it did the opposite.

"If it's your weakest weapon shouldn't you have trained sooner and get better at it!?" Ah, Childe can't argue with that. But if he were to do that then he would get better at it and where's the fun in fighting anymore? If he can't struggle and make his enemies think that he's losing and overthrow them in the next, then what's the purpose of fighting? That's the best part of fighting. To be able to overthrow your supposed strong opponent and win.

(YN) shook his head, "Try it again!" he said. Childe sighed and just did what (YN) told him to do. Feeling something sticking at his back, calloused skin on his, and a hand fixing his posture. Childe didn't expected that (YN) would be this hands-on in training his students! This was too unexpected! This man should have warned him before he did this. Because he didn't warned Childe, the ginger had turned around and punched him. But his fast didn't landed on (YN)'s face but was caught with the male's hand.

"What are you doing?" (YN) asked, his brows furrowed. Wondering on what made Childe attack him so suddenly.

Childe pursed his lips. Muttering nonesense before he said, "N-nothing..." Childe felt the hold on his hand loosened and he took his hand back. Placing it on his side. There was an awkward silence between the two but (YN) doesn't seem to sense it. In his view, Childe was just embarrassed that he attacked him but failed to land a blow.

Humans these days... (YN) can never seem to understand. When one day he says that he understand and on the next second, he says he don't understand them. Humans are too confusing.

(YN) wanted to continue their training but they were interrupted when Venti had came in and announced, "(YN)! There's something going on with your weird little experiment!" All the people inside the training room stopped what they were doing. Even the dummies had stopped. And all of them looked towards Venti.

»»————- ✼ ————-««

Diluc, Jean, Childe, Venti, and (YN) are now in the lab. The room was not as messy as the others had thought it would be. It was neat and most items were organized. Aside from a few papers and a quill on a nearby table that is. But anything else from that, it was clean. Cleaner than Albedo's office that's for sure.

And in the center of the room was some sort of table. Well... sort of. The table was more of a block made out of white iron. A few test tubes were placed on top, an injection, a few surgey tools, and a cauldron with an ongoing fire on the bottom. Jean, Diluc, and Childe could tell that it was boiling hot since a trail of steam was emitting from the cauldron. Jean could see a few bubbles being popped and Diluc could smell a bitter smell from it. Something unpleasant and quite similar to Liyue's traditional medicine. Well, almost to Mondstadt's as well but Liyue's were much more bitter than that of Mondstadt's.

Childe, on the other hand, was visibly and audibly disgusted by it. The cauldron looked like the ones in the stories that his parents would tell him when he was a lad. A witch that would cook children who were misbehaving and would eat them when they were cooked well. Of course, Childe didn't believe them. But seeing this now, he wonders if those stories were indeed true.

(YN) approached the table and grabbed a few empty bottles from one of the nearby cabinets.

"Comrade... what is he making?" Childe asked Aether as soon he approached the blonde.

Aether shrugged his shoulders, "Aether and Paimon doesn't know either! We have been here a few times and thought it was poison or something but (YN) says that it's not. So we figured that it's another ingredient that (YN) needs to make or something!" says Aether's female companion.

"Another ingredient? Are you saying that this is not the only ingredient that he needs to make before finding a way to destroy those monsters?" Diluc asksed. A brow was raised and can't help but get amazed. He knew that (YN) was more efficient than Alebdo when it comes to alchemy and much more knowledgable. Even more knowledgable than the Zhongli. But who knew that the male was able to create this important ingredients under two weeks.

Aether nodded, "I think he was making another one a few days ago, but it seems that it was already finished, so he moved on to this one!" Jean, Diluc, and Childe nodded simentanously.

(YN), who just finished fetching the empty bottles, had rolled his sleeves up after puting the bottles on the white iron block. Zhongli handed him a huge bowl was then off to another part of the room to get something.

Paimon glanced to Venti, "Tone-deaf bard! Why aren't you helping? Shouldn't you also know how to do this stuff?" Paimon knew that she was indirectly saying that Venti was lazy, but she doesn't care. She's too curious.

"Oh me? Impossible! I only know how to simple tasks, and even I can't remember where things are placed here in the lab! Too many ingredients and too many complex names!" Venti said as he shook his head.

Before Paimon could even retort back, she saw (YN)'s nails grew longer and sharper. Her eyes widening and in awe. The others are also in awe. But was then mortified when (YN)'s nails had dug deep into his arm. Drawing out streams of blood. 


btw, im still wondering whether i put the angst tag on my fic cause i sometimes think that people don't realize how sad GOA and CA actually are. especially the upcoming dilucXm!reader. btw, my dilucXm!reader is completely different from what i first thought about. especially CA.

im gonna write out what my plans are supposed to be after all of it are done. and im too excited of the special chapters so im going to update twice both GOA and CA.

[i just put the angst tag if ur wondering, hehe]

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