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ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm starting school as of today and updates will be much later. I also have other fanfictions to work on Tumblr and I'll be updating my original fic monthly (hopefully) so I'm not sure if updates will be consistent.


Arriving at their destination, Aether saw Diluc, Childe, and Jean waiting at the table. The two archons, on the other hand, were nowhere to be seen. Aether glanced towards Paimon, "Where are Venti and Zhongli?" he whispered to the female. 

The small female shrugged her shoulders up and down, "Who knows? I saw (YN) earlier telling them to do something and they just went and gone!" she answered. 

"Eat," (YN) said bluntly. Walking towards one of the empty four seats. Sitting down at the very front of the table.

Aether and Paimon glanced at each other before shrugging their shoulders before rushing to take a seat whilst Paimon floated over Aether's shoulders. Just slowly nearing towards the table. On the table were multiple dishes from both Liyue and Mondstadt. Everyone's portion seemed normal except for (YN)'s who had not only two cups full of tea but with two bowls of rice also. And two pairs of chopsticks. Scanning each dish on the table, Aether saw that there are a few dishes that he can't seem to recognize well. Cutlery was placed neatly on the table but Aether didn't expect it to be a bowl of rice and a pair of chopsticks. He's not even sure if Mondstadt dishes could go well with rice. Even then, Aether started to salivate and licked his lips. So did Paimon but her actions weren't so subtle as Aether's. Paimon was about to dig in and inhale all of the food in front of her when;

"Where's Zhongli-sensei and that bard?" Childe asked.

"Wouldn't it be rude for us to eat without them?" Paimon stopped halfway. A bit angered that Childe wanted to talk now than to eat. 

"They're doing an errand right now so if you want to starve for a couple more... minutes? Then please go ahead. Just eat and don't come to me complaining about your head aching," (YN) answered. Grabbing one of the two cups of tea in front of him. Putting it against his lips, not caring if the tea was burning hot at the moment. Jean was about to say that it was okay but her stomach didn't seem to agree with the idea of waiting for the other two. The others' stomach (especially Paimon's) didn't seem to be so keen on the idea of waiting.

(YN) put the cup down, "Like I said, eat and the other is close so just don't mind them and get your fill." 

All of them nodded and ate. "Thank you for the food!" Paimon yelled out. Almost gobbling down her share. (YN) didn't have the appetite as of now --- he doesn't have the appetite to eat for the past few weeks. So he only settled at eating a bite here and there. Planning to eat more if the other two had arrived. Aether and Paimon were okay with the use of chopsticks but that wasn't the case with the others. Childe can't get a single grain of rice, Jean's hands were trembling and Diluc has to basically chomp on his chopsticks if he was able to succeed in getting one piece of food. Watching this, (YN) wanted to shake his head as he covered his whole face with his palm. It was sad really. To be not able to eat the food that you were given. 

Sighing, "I guess you are not that familiar with chopsticks, I suppose?" Childe chuckled as Jean's face flushed in embarrassment. And Diluc could only put his utensils down. 

"Is it too rude to ask if you have forks and knives?" Diluc requested. Clenching and unclenching his hand. Feeling a bit sore after using the chopsticks for a few minutes.

(YN) raised his right hand, a tiny light emitting from it. Soon enough, the chopsticks that Jean, Diluc, and Childe were holding had floated upwards. Aether and Paimon stopped eating and watched what was going to happen. Surrounded by a faint glow of light, a weird symbol appearing. A straight flat line forming before it went down then forming a semi-circle and another straight line before another flat line appeared. The chopsticks changing from one shape to another. It took a few moments before it formed into spoons and forks, three pairs for the three people that were having trouble using the previous utensils. The humans and the small flying being are in awe. Although they have seen what Albedo (except for Childe) can do, it's still amazing to see it in person. Especially since Alchemy is quite hard to understand if you're not going to pour your heart into it. The symbol fading away and the newly formed cutlery had just floated towards Childe, Diluc, and Jean. Each having its own pair.

"Wooaahhh... I guess the Tone Deaf Bard wasn't joking about you being so good at Alchemy," Paimon commented. Taking a bite of her food after saying it. 

"Tone Deaf Bard? That's quite a funny nickname for Venti considering his songs are actually not that bad..." (YN) said, taking another sip of his tea. 

"He is amazing with the lyre so I doubt that Venti would actually be tone-deaf," Jean added as she's slicing her steak with her knife. 

"Well... I can't really doubt that though! If he wasn't so cheeky then Paimon would've liked him more!" Putting a huge spoonful of rice into her mouth, her cheeks bulged out like a hamster. 

"Venti... is the one with the green clothing, right? I've never heard him play but I do have a feeling that he's stronger than what he seems since he easily dodged and blocked all of those traps from yesterday." Childe finally took one bite of his food and his mouth exploded with various flavors.

Who knew that the atmosphere would lighten up like this.

God of Alchemy | Genshin Impact x M!ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt