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In the journey towards back home, Aether and Paimon didn't question (YN) about what he did earlier. With all the crimes that they could commit, what those people did were ones that Aether couldn't forgive even with the most reasonable excuse. Then again, there's no excuse that they could use. There is no way that Aether would forgive them. What they did was worse than murder --- probably worse than annihilating an entire country.

Paimon was disturbed at how unbelievably strong (YN) was. If he was this strong, then why couldn't he just kill all of those monsters by himself? He could wrangle them or just make acid out of his alchemy magic or whatever! Why go this far as to solve this supposed to be a hard problem? Not only that, a few days have passed and (YN) didn't give any kind of news regarding his progress. Shouldn't he at least give some sort of tiny information on how he's going? Or is this his way of continuing to do progress? Keeping everything a secret until he finds a solution to this problem. That could be possible. Even so, Paimon just wants some sort of assurance, and she's sure that others want to have it as well.

Arriving back at (YN)'s home, it was already dark. Even then, the bright lights were still on. It was quiet, though. Oddly quiet. And (YN) was cautious of that. Normally, when Venti or Venti and Zhongli were left alone, those two could cause such a huge ruckus. Those two could make one of the loudest noises that (YN) could ever imagine. He sometimes wonders why his ears are still working after being with the two for so long.

Entering the building, (YN) could see Diluc in the living room with a book in hand. Zhongli sitting across from Diluc and Jean was vaguely seen cleaning her sword in the kitchen. (YN) scanned the area and he couldn't see the ginger male named Childe or that wind spirit under the alias of Venti. His brows furrowed, wondering why such an odd duo would be gone? After all, Childe didn't seem to be the type to be interested in Venti. 

"Venti and Childe are in the training room," said Diluc. Not taking his gaze away from his book.

"That stupid Fatui wanted to see how long he can last long against that bard." Flipping the page from the book, (YN) can tell that the redhead didn't care at all what's going to happen. (YN) sighed, telling Aether and Paimon to eat and get some rest while he checks on the other two. (YN) removed his tiny cape, the corset on his waist, and the gloves on his hand. Chucking them away before those items disappeared into thin air. (YN) jogged towards the training area and as he suspected.

Dust was everywhere and a few small rocks still falling from the ceiling. Small debris all around the room. In the centre was a large tornado and on the far end of the room was Childe. Holding onto what seems to be a spear thrusted deep into the ground. With how white his knuckles are, the man was probably using all of his strength to not get sucked into the tornado and possibly die. On the other side of the room was Venti with a huge smile on his face and was standing still. Not even bothered by the fact that a tornado was in the centre of the room. Also, he wasn't struggling as much as Childe into holding his place on the ground.

"Barbatos! End this right now before you shred that stupid human to shreds!" (YN) shouted, also not bothered by the fact that a tornado is currently present in the room. Then again, he has seen Venti summoning bigger and much stronger winds than this puny tornado. Venti glanced at (YN) and made the tornado disappear. 

"Have you seen that, (YN)? Not long ago that tornado would not only make me spent but tired for the whole day! And today I achieved it with such ease that I can play my lyre while it goes on!" Venti chuckled, a triumphal smirk on his face. Proud that he was able to do at least a tenth of what he could do during the Archon War. Sometimes, he missed having that power. He could cut mountains into tiny rocks. Even Zhongli's spear could only survive until halfway if Venti would use all of his powers to block those attacks.

Floating a few feet above the air, "Oh one could only imagine if the amazing Barbatos were as present as the Geo Archon until his so-called death, what type of monstrosity would dare attack the land of freedom so freely?" (YN) rolled his eyes, can't help but agree to what Venti had said. Before, Venti was quite ruthless in how he kept Mondstadt safe. Despite how mischievous is back in the day. Always pulling pranks here and there and a few jokes had gone too far at times. But when he displayed his powers in front of the others (including (YN)), they were astonished at how much powers this tiny wind spirit has.

Probably because he was already a spirit of the wind, he had more control and powers when it comes to Anemo? It's plausible and understandable. After all, Anemo is an element that many would consider confusing to use. Offense. Defense. Or for something everyday chore. Regardless, it's such a flexible element.


bruh i am trying to write as how venti would talk and i cant. i dont do rhymes and shit like that man. i cant rhyme man. 

btw, we're almost halfway to the fic (chapter 28, is i think where the other half starts?). not including the special chapters, then we're almost halfway. same thing with Careless Lullaby. tbh, i never expected that CL would be that short but that's good I guess? since the pacing of that fic is kinda fast. but i never expected that GOA will be this long? i really thought it would just take around 30 chapters (no special chapters and character stories) at most.

and i really wanted to point out kojutsu's condition a bit more on the other half so we can probably start with the angst, i guess? and i really hope that people could see some sort of similarities between CA and GOA cause they're in the same universe? well not technically but the protaganist is a reincarnation of a character here. and CA would be the universe if kojutsu's dead.

God of Alchemy | Genshin Impact x M!ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora