Character Story 2

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"My name is Alcmene! It's a pleasure to meet you, Kojutsu-sama!" the boy bowed down respectfully; a full 90-degree angle. Although Kojutsu has an idea of who this boy was he never imagined that the boy would introduce himself to him. Even if he was close with his little brother, the human male has no chance of meeting him without Koumei's help.

Just what is Koumei thinking of me meeting him will do? is what Kojutsu had thought at that time. After all, it's been a decade or two since the two had descended from Celestia to the Human World. Just these past years, they had already done deeds that most would see as benevolent. After all, just what kind of god would help anyone that would come crying to their knees? Although there were a few exceptions here and there, Kojutsu and Koumei still helped them. With this, a couple of handfuls of humans had decided to trick the Twin Gods into helping them. Of course, it didn't work.

"Brother! You know who Alcmene is right!? He's very pretty, isn't he!? Even his daughter is pretty!" Koumei rambled on. Sticking close to Kojutsu's left side. Kojutsu glanced at the human, "How do you do?" he replied. Reaching out for a handshake,  Alcmene hesitated for a moment but accepted it. Shaking hands with Kojutsu. 

"What's the reason for this, Koumei?" Kojutsu asked as soon he parted hands with Alcmene. 

"A friend!" Koumei said "Like the others! Siblings can't be together forever so I made a friend! And now my friend is your friend too!" Koumei looped his arms together with Kojutsu's left arm and he wrapped his right arm around Alcmene's shoulders.

Bringing the two closer together, "We are friends! So let's get along with each other, okay!?" That's what Koumei said. His words would always echo in Kojutsu's mind each time he recalled that memory.

Edited: July 2,2021

God of Alchemy | Genshin Impact x M!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora