I reseal the sword and continue to slash the villains with the blunt blades making sure to only knock them out. I knock out the last villain and stand back to back with Aizawa.

"Only the last three left. How high you rank them?" he asks.

"Mist man only seems to be able to warp people places, blue hair seems crazy and will try anything but I got nothing on the bird creature other than its incredible physical strength." I say.

"Your both pretty impressive. But you don't stand a chance against my creation! Nomu! Kill them!" handjob shouts. The bird creature charges forward incredibly fast and manages to slam a fist into my side sending me across the USJ and into a wall, putting a giant dent in it. I slowly pry myself out of the dent, my head bleeding. It was healing but it was a good hit. I look back to the center to see a sight that makes my blood boil. The Nomu was pinning Aizawa to the ground, his limp arm hanging from the Nomu's giant hand, a large pool of blood around his head. My eyes quickly turn to slits and My wings sprout from my back, but this time much larger.

"Y-you... You Bastards!!" I shout jumping from the wall. I flap my wings and launch into the Nomu sending him off of Aizawa. He flies over to the wall and slams into it. I bend down and carefully pick up Aizawa and slowly fly to the horrified students.

"Yaoyorozu. He's still alive. Apply immediate medical attention to him." I say, my voice laced with barely contained rage. She nods and walks over to his body as I set it down and turn back to the Nomu who climbed out of the wall. I slowly start flying back down to the center as the Nomu screeches. He charges me again and throws a punch but I grip my sword and it lights on fire, a bright scarlet red.

"Breath of Flame First Form - Unknowing Fire!" I say swinging my blade.

(only the first move and he chops the arm off not the head)

The Nomu screeches in pain and jumps back and I turn to it.

"Where are you going? We're not done here yet." I say in a slightly insane voice. It screeches again and charges me once more.

"That won't work!" I shout at it.

"Breath of Water First Form - Water Surface Slash!" I shout.

The Nomu gets split in half and his top half drops the the ground. To my slight surprise it regrows it's legs and manages to hit me again but in the head this time. I get sent tumbling across the floor and stop rolling close to the stairs. I stand up shakily and look towards the Nomu.

"I will not be defeated! I will set my heart ablaze and defeat you!" I shout as flames burst around me.

"Breath of Flame Ninth Form! - Rengoku!!" I shout.

The Nomu screeches in pain and burns to ashes, slowly and painfully. I stand up fully and turn to the remaining two, my glare not softening.

"Don't think I forgot about you two! You will be the next to die by my blade!" I shout at them.

Izuku The User of The BreathsWhere stories live. Discover now