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The night street was bustling with crowd.

People were chattering as they roamed the festive night.

Children holding onto their parent's hand, lovers locking their arms together as they smiled happily, friends walking in group and a few people who were walking the streets alone filled the auspicious festival night.

A small figure was standing in a dark alley walled by tall buildings.

He knew that he shouldn't be out here. But he was curious. He might be different from those children hanging onto the hands of their parents roaming the festival ground. But he was still a kid with so many curiousity he had towards this world, towards the things he has never experienced.
His legs were shaken up a bit right now. This was the first time he has snuck out of the guild without anyone's knowledge. The feeling in his heart was making him tremble with excitement.
Heaving a long breathe he took a step forward. Dressed in light clothes he blended quite well with the crowd, disappearing behind the figures of the tall adults.

Ever since Anwyll could remember his hands were already stained with blood. Killing was the only thing he was taught ever since he could remember as a child. Perhaps he was as young as five when he first took a life.
So whenever he saw innocent children he couldn't help but wonder if his life and personality would have been different if he was born in a normal house like these children.

"Cotton candy!! Fresh and sweet!"

Anwyll stared at the delicious looking pink candy. He bought one for himself. When he touched the fluffy pink candy it felt so soft and smooth. He put it in his mouth. The cotton candy just melted in his mouth, like melting clouds.

"Hng....tasty....." This was the sweetest thing he has ever tasted before.

He stayed outside until mid night. Before the morning sun would rise again he was tucked in his bed, sleeping soundly as if he never left the guild last night.
Gradually this became a habit of his. Every once or twice a week, he would sneak out of the guild and roam the streets, experiencing the pleasure of the silent night accompanying him.
At times like this he would find absolute peace.

However this peace only lasted for a bit.

Anwyll looked into his victim's eyes. They were drenched in tears. The old lady hovered on his leg, hugging them tightly, begging him for the same request over and over.

"Please.... let my daughter live...she is only five. Please I beg of you...."

"Wuwuwu....." The five year old child wailed, looking back and forth between him and her mother.

Anwyll raised his blade. He struck his sword on the frail neck of his victim.


Her throat was slit open with the blade cutting her nape. Blood gushed out of her neck, the red blood splattering on the ground dying the floor red with its colour.


The five year old yelled and cried, screaming and trembling with fear. Her face was covered in tears and snot.

"You bad guy!! You killed mommmmyyyy.....Wuwuwu..... Evil guy...bad...very bad guy....."

The fact that her cursing was so full of "evil" and "bad guy" made him aware of the fact that he was going to kill a young child who did not knew of the bad things her mother had been doing all these years.


Even though she was evil, he had no right to kill him.

He knew this...

But...he couldn't escape this hell.

Raising his hand he struck his sword once more.  

The wailing of the child stopped.


Step. Step.

As he was leaving the scene he saw his reflection reflected on the surface of the mirror.
Anwyll squinted his eyes with disgust. His face had some blood spot tainted on his skin.

"Disgusting!!" He spat at his own reflection before leaving.

Why was his life a living hell?

And why couldn't he escape it?

Why should he kill and stain his hands with blood against his will?

Was killing really done against his will or was it just in his nature?

The more he thought about it the more disgusted he was with himself.

Shifting the blame on different excuses......

Deep down he would often question himself...


He wanted to escape so badly. But....it was going to be impossible in this lifetime....

"Hey, Young owl....listen to me carefully. Leave the house through the back door. There will be....."

He threw away the communication tool, smashing it against the floor.

His eyes were misty with tears. The heavy feeling weighing down his heart was lifted in an instant.

Death is the only way to his freedom!



A pair of closed eyes sprang open. He breathed heavily thinking of the dream he just had.


Suddenly a touch fell against his forehead. When he turned to his side a smile bloomed on his face.
Zarad did not say anything. He silently wiped away the sweat from his lover's forehead using the sleeves of his night robe.

Hitomu had this strong urge to cry. It came so suddenly. Snugging into his lover's arm, he let his man's smell flood his nose, feeling the heat of his lover, his heart calmed down.
Zarad hugged him lightly. He pat his head, nuzzling his hair with his fingers, as if reassuring him without speaking.

"I had dream."

Zarad heard Hitomu speak. "Was it a nightmare?"

Zarad felt the head in his arm shaking no.

"It was really worth it. I am so glad that I made that decision back then." Hitomu spoke again. He then snuggled himself tighter against chest. The other person also hugged him back.

It really was worth it!

The decision of leaving earth was the best decision he has ever made.

Thankfully the gods took pity on him and gave him a life he has never expected for.

A lovely life with his wonderful lover.

With this his hell became yet a distant memory from his past.

A/N: Its been a really long time. I apologise for the late extras. 

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