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Hey! So i am back for now. I had two of my papers and my next paper is on eleventh of December. So i have got plenty of time on my hands. Also my hands were itching to write so here i am.☺️☺️☺️

Two days later the news of the execution of a commoner convict charged with the crime of slandering the nobles of the Sun empire, who was put to death as his punishment spread across the entire continent and to the surrounding kingdoms. Like a spreading fire it became the talk of the Razia continent. Some among those who knew about the origin of the trouble which took birth on the festive knight exam condemned the nobles in silence. While some perceived the result as granted. Some thought he was a fool while some thought he was a brave soul. Regardless the group of boys, his students and the people of the sunny village mourned his death ever since the verdict was announced to the public.
Rumours spread. Baseless rumours. Rumours that the man with a disfigured face had actually dared to insult the rulers of the empire before the court's assembly or that he was actually a veteran martial artist from a faraway kingdom, who had fled from his home and was a convicted criminal. Some even spoke of him as a rebel and an assassin. However none; no one knew that the young convict was actually assigned to go to the forest of Netherland, the hell and abode of the grim reaper. Even the teenage boy who had beautiful milky white skin did not knew if he came back alive. Since the last time he saw him depart on his two feet he did not see him again. The next thing that rang in his ears was his death by execution without having the honour to have his body collected by his dear ones or blessed with the will to have a proper funeral.

The little children wailed and wailed and wailed in grieve, their eye sockets bulging out red and sore, crying themselves to sleep. And yet when they woke up from their sleep they would fall back to wet slumber again. The elders embrace them to comfort them somehow and yet they themselves cried in secret over the loss of that brilliant boy who smiled so brightly at them despite the scar on his face, which though ugly highlighted his inner beauty more magnificent than any person they had ever met.

"Where is Lydith?" Lanse asked his twin brother. The latter looked at him with troubled eyes. He moved his eyes towards the forest but did not say anything.

"Shouldn't we go?" Marthx mumbled.

"Let's wait for him here; that is if he comes out."

The two clenched their fist in sorrow, regret and anger. But they both knew that Lydith was the one suffering the most right now.

The elder man whom his thirteen year old self followed around, the man who pat his head despite his cold demeanor, the man who smiled at him with love and warmth as if he were his own little brother, the man who taught him the proper way to hold a sword, swing it the right way and treated his wounds when he got injured was....gone now. His beloved master and star was gone now; as if paying with his life as a retribution to something he had began. The more he realized it the more agony he felt.

His porcelain hands were still donned with fresh wounds and marks. They were bleeding lightly but he did not stop his hands as they swung the blade of his sword left and right continuously, slashing into the trunk of the trees and the huge rocks around him. Watching his handiwork he paused for a moment when he heard his voice saying;

"If you continue to do it that way you are gonna break your hands."

The little Lydith glared at the figure who had appeared out of thin air. But he did not retort him back with words. Instead he left his favourite spot for another. Luckily the elder boy did not follow him. However the man returned the next day. But Lydith was not alone that day as the two twins were with him. Witnessing their friend glare at him Marthx shouted at the elder man.

"What are you looking at? You creep you pervert. Go away!"

The man sighed at his words but did not say anything.

"Let's go." Lydith whispered to the two and they immediately followed him, not forgetting to stick out their tongue back at him.

"Do you guys know this jungle is dangerous? It is the home of emerald bears. Although they might rarely appear we don't know when they might shove up their paws out of their den." He warned them the next time they met again.

"It's you again." Lanse frowned at him. "Why do you keep showing up? Are you a stalker or....don't tell me you are a child kidnapper!" He gasped his last words.

"Stop showing up. Leave us alone." Lydith glared at him.

He looked at him and replied nonchalantly. "But you guys are so weak. If i don't look after you brats you might get killed in an unexpected attack or something like that?"

"We are not weak!" The three shouted back at him. That said they bolted away from him glancing back again and again until they were unable to see his figure in the distance.

"What a freak. How dare he say we are weak. We have been training in this forest for a year and a half." Lanse huffed.

"Right. And what did he say? Emerald bears? Like they even exist here. Never seen one ever since we started trainnn......" Marthx was immediately ssshhed by Lydith.

"Shhh! Look over there." He whispered. Both of they did so and widened their eyes in shock and amazement.

It was an emerald bear. It had light blue fur and emerald shaped blue eyes. Crawling on its four limbs it was still very huge and magnificent to look at.

"Ahhh! A real one." Lanse gasped.

"Let's hunt it down and show that creep we are not weak." Touching the hilt of their swords they were ready to pounce at it without a second thought. However they were too naive and foolish to even think of hunting it down. And they realized it the moment its pure blue eyes turned towards them, glaring and snapping with magnetism that they could feel all the way from where they were standing.

He was already out of the forest. However as he was about to walk away from its entrance in search of work his scarred left profile looked back towards the forest with keen eyes. The next moment he was already flying back towards where he came from.

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