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These few days he had been searching for clues regarding the hideout area of the black knights roaming in the dark, flying all through the palace and the area around. While everyone were deep asleep and dreaming he was cultivating his research on his own without the knowledge of anyone. He had absolute confidence in his skills so there was no question of being caught. Not to mention he was no ordinary person. Surprisingly the day he found the residing area of this secret organisation he was met with an unexpected course of event.
Of course when he heard of that rumour he had already speculated that the young boy was no ordinary person however the truth was even more interesting.

He is not from this world............

Shand was a little surprised but the expression on his face remained calm, and unaffected. As soon as he looked at the other person's eyes he could tell so because the over bearing look in his eyes was similar to his very own pair of eyes. Eyes carrying overbearing threat hidden behind his orbs.
Just the excitement of thinking about this made his lips curve. He really did not expect this at all.
While thinking all these things his gaze never left Hitomu, his eyes were stuck to his plain brown orbs, as if drilling into them, he kept staring and staring while the other person also reciprocated back.

"When i learnt of a rumour about a youth with strange talents being executed, i was really intrigued. Curious not about the fact of whatever happened after but the curiosity of whether this person is the same as me. Sure enough you were recruited into the black knight organisation." As he spoke he took a step. One. Two. Three. "Not only that, we come from same worlds, don't we? Dear fellow assassin?" Shand let out a creepy smile. Raising his fingers he stroked his chin letting out a menacing smile.

This was a signal.

The moment his finger snapped a whoosh sound followed it.
In a flash his body moved forward at a lightning speed, he was so fast that this movement left trails of after images behind him. Even the ground around him shook up a little bit.
Skillfully kneading out a long dagger from under his clothes he slashed towards his opponent.
Hitomu, the one being targeted moved his legs as soon as he saw the other man attack. But instead of withdrawing or counterattacking he ran right towards the spear that was being pointed towards him. Unsheathing the small dagger on his waist he met that overwhelming forceful strike coming at him with great momentum.


The loud sound of metal crashing against metal followed by strokes of silver thread kneaded in the air as the two purging weapons met head on, the momentum of each slice was so powerful that each swing was cutting through the grass and the leaves on the nearby trees. And while two pair of hands were entangled in a battle mid air their bodies refused to give away, when one raised their leg the other did so in the same direction, refusing to cut away, with each of their kicks meeting the soil underneath their footing were coming up loose as they crumbled under their overwhelming power. When their eyes met the beautiful one was grinning, even licking out his tongue against his upper lips. A simple provocation. While the other was as calm as air, his eyes nonchalantly staring back at the other.

"It has been a while since this one has been riled up so much. You....are not bad to get me so excited over this trivial greeting...... Indeed not so bad."  Shand spoke to him in a low whisper, his lips curving up creepily, and with the added low tone of his sentence made it sound even more creepier. The look in his eyes was that of a deadly predator, with malice lurking in his eyes he looked no different than a walking evil demon.

Hitomu met his gaze head on. Ever since the beginning of their fight none of them had taken back a single step, standing into an imaginary ring, both of them refused to back away first.
This was a common greeting that often happened between people like them.
Suddenly both of them threw away their daggers and instead approached bare hand at each other.

One was smirking.

The other was expressionless.


A loud explosion erupted from a certain area in the forest. This explosion disrupted the peace of the magical creatures residing peacefully in the forest while drawing the attention of the black knights at the same time.

"What happened.?" A member uttered.

Khiluya glanced at his seniors giving them a meaningful look.

"You brats stay here."

The big explosion had completely destroyed the land around the main event arena. Many trees were in disarray. Grasses, small bushes and shrubs were uprooted. Even the soil was not spared. But the two people who were the culprit of this property damage emerged from behind the screen of dust that had mixed with the air surrounding them. Contrary to the destruction around them both were fine without any single scratch or any dirt on their clothes.
The only thing that was different was the sparks in their eyes.

One of them was laughing out aloud like a lunatic. The beautiful elegant face was laughing so hard but his demeanor spoke something else. With deadly eyes slanting at Hitomu Shand stopped laughing. The fierce look on his face was very mysterious however  the level of destructive menace oozing out from his body was terrifying, it was a look of bloodshot eyes, itching with a demonic intent to kill and stab open his opponent, even the elegant face was distorting into an ugly and chilling face. With fiery red eyes he looked at Hitomu with a condensing aura.

"I must say i never expected to meet you here. So even after death, we who were supposed to meet have finally met." His face was growing more and more ugly. With a creepy curving mouth he flicked his tongue against his lips, staring at him with a bloodshot gaze.

Hitomu widened his eyes. A chill crept up his spine.

"Young owl, Anwyll." Twisting his head with a crack sound, he grinned at him with smiling yet condemning eyes.

For a reason when Hitomu saw his chilling transformation from a smirking bastard to the devil himself he was able to understand why this person was nicknamed the 'EMPEROR REAPER.'

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