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Ascil would often take Diego out of his room. The guild was their prison. Even the talented Ascil found it difficult to break free from it. He was still in the process of figuring out the annoying network of the guild. He was still planning to escape.


Looking at Diego, he found a reason to stay here a bit longer and another reason to plan his escape quicker.
They had already talked about their escape plan a couple of times.

"Don't forget your promise. When you leave take me with you." Diego's round eyes looking at him whenever he reckon Ascil to take him with him reminded him of a little white rabbit.

As a few years went by the relationship between them became more than friends.

Then the inevitable happened.

Diego was in his small prison cell. The room that engulfed him in its silence everytime he was there.
He smiled thinking how this same room would light up whenever Ascil was here to see him. And just like how it would light up, it would also break down in darkness everytime his other visitors came inside.

Two older men, probably guild masters along with a boy who was a bit older than Diego. The boy's name was Victor.
Victor and those two men would often frequent Diego from time to time. Every visit had its own intentions.

Diego's instinct had already told him that he was brought to existence for this Victor.

"Grab him." One of the two older man gave the command.

Diego was never obedient. He put up a fight every time they tried to touch him. In the past it was because of repulsion but now it was because of disgust.
After a bit of struggling and beating, he was brought down on his knees by the two older men.

"Don't touch me!!" He growled when noticing victor approaching.
When a strange smell flooded his nose, his entire body twitched and trembled. Diego hated this part the most. Because he was forced to realise that this scent was a tool for making him submit.

"Both of you leave. I will handle him on my own." When Victor spoke, the two men let him go.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Victor replied. "Look at him. He is withering in pleasure at my scent. What can he do when he is in that state?"

The two men left.

Diego was huffing and moaning. His sense was intact but his body was betraying.
Every touch Victor gave him, it made his body tremble.

"Ng..NOOO! NO! NO!" He screamed.

"Why do you resist me? You were made to be mine. Accept me." Victor sat down by the bed side where Deigo laid.
"You are turning fifteen very soon. Once that happens, we will start having sex."

Diego grunted with disgust. He knew what sex meant. Since Ascil had taught him various things.


"!!!" A finger was touching him in that place. Even though the fabric prevented the touch of the naked skin, the fingertips brushing against that tiny place made Diego shiver.
"No!" Yelping, he scurried away to the other side of the bed. "Don't touch me. You don't touch me."

"....." Victor was not an idiot. He could see the colour of his omega's resistance has changed. And if there was such a change, it meant that there was something else which has influenced him.
In a hidden room locked up all the time, how could this little rabbit be influenced? By what or by whom?
Victor knew the answer. It was a person.

"Regardless, you will be mine. Having feelings of love for another will be futile. We are both tools of experiments." Getting up victor left.

The worst after taste remained with Deigo until his beloved Ascil was there to met him that night.
As soon as he saw him, Diego's feet took flight. Crumbling down in Ascil's embrace, he took comfort in his warmth while repeating the same thing over and over.

"Let's run away. Let's run away!"

"Take me with you."

If it was not Ascil, Diego didn't wanted to be touched. The day they met, the little frog caged inside a prison cell was given a new world and that world grew on him. Ascil was the world that grew on him. So he wanted to be with him at any cost. If not, he did not wanted to be anyone else's.

Ascil grabbed him by his chin. "I will." He replied to him with a handsome smile on his face.
That night their lips met for the first time. And they kissed each other as if there was no tomorrow.

That was the night when Ascil destroyed the network system of the guild.

On that night he escaped with Diego and was never found for years.

When they had left, Victor saw them from afar.

He stood there watching his omega leave with the guy who had left the guild in shambles.

Following the tale of their freedom only happiness grasped their backs.

THE VILLAIN'S LOVE GROWS FOR HIM.Where stories live. Discover now