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An enraged voice echoed in the hall.
Everyone were surprised to hear him shout at his retreating back. But the boy did not look back at him.

"I said wait you fucking shit of lowly creature!"

Those with decent eyes and ears could not help but furrow their brows at the trodden reputation of the imperial general. The way he was lashing out in anger, to people like Zarad and Eustin, it was plain disgraceful.

"Let's duel again!"

At the veteran's suggestion many felt that he was being shameless. Even those parasites felt he was inviting more shame to himself.
But Hitomu felt nothing. 'Oh? So he is still not content with the shame he had invited for himself and wants me to accumulate more for him?' He was more than glad to do so however after a fight with him he believed he was too weak to face him off again. He was not the type to bully those were weaker than him. Specially those who were extremely weaker than himself.
This time it was different. Adding more to his debt, he did not mind doing it. Just as he was about to agree to his demand someone spoke up for him, which to him was not a surprise.

"Imperial general is it not too shameless for you to demand another fight after what had unfolded just now?" Hitomu knew who he was.
It was Eustin again.

"Right. The man is too much for you to handle. Why bother unless you want to be shammed again?" This was the first time the court heard him speak into this matter. Like the unruly and uncaring but dangerous Eustin and Revard, he was another peculiar man who had the nerve to provoke the nobles despite being one himself. Hevel, the imperial advisor of the king's court.

"Who are you to speak like that to an elder? Impudent." Of course he would retort. Right now he was in a pit of anger. He could not let his pride and glory be dirtied like this. No way in hell!

This, made even the crown prince feel the need to intervene. But the man in address itself beat him at it.

"If the general wishes for another fight, i shall abide. However please do not expect for a third round."

Hearing Hitomu's words General Gale glared at him. "Of course. A second round is enough."

Walking up he grabbed his sword, his best friend, Abyss lord. Even if he were to lose with little fang this divine sword had never failed to bring victory to him. Without a doubt he was overconfident once again.
Too bad his plan was up against a prodigy.
Seeing how arrogant the general was how could he let him get his hopes high. He infact had no thought of giving him the chance to strike back at him. Not even once. If he were to add to his shame he had no intention of being lenient like he had been in the previous fight.
They got back into their positions maintaining an equal amount of distance. General Gale was in the process of drawing out his mighty sword when he suddenly sensed a menacing aura from the front. Sure enough the initiator was already closing into distance with huge strides of walk. Yes he was jumping yet walking at the same time. But it was more like he was sweeping up to the imperial general. Gale's body stiffened a bit. In a rush he had almost drawn his sword but before he could point it at his opponent he had already reappeared  right before him who knows when. In a lightning speed he raised his leg and slapped it down to the hilt of the giant sword sheathing it back into its saber by force with his forceful foot work. The momentum of his kick killed his spiritual flow and body posture. Without giving the general a chance he shot his dagger right pass his neck. Lucky by a second or his intended attack, his neck was safe. Regaining momentum over his body he drew his sword once again ready to take offence but before his sword could fully leave its sheath he felt a cold blade against the skin of his neck, threatening to dig in and slicing it open.

"To think that a veteran like you would fall for the same trick twice, are you even that great?"

Drops of cold sweat began forming on his forehead. His calm yet menacing demeanor, the forbidding threat to slice his neck open, he had never met anyone who had ever looked down at him with cold mocking eyes.
The boy's eyes spoke volumes of hell as if promising him of all the disgrace he had invited for himself.

And that look for a split of second drove the eccentric prince crazy.
Insanely overwhelming was nowhere near enough to describe what he was feeling when he witnessed him defeat the same veteran using the same trick twice. Not giving him even the chance to strike once was akin to cutting off the high horse of the imperial general.
OH! BUT OH! Those brown orbs blooming with darkness yet beauty, unearthly beauty, his own expressionless eyes were unable to look away from it, as if being drown into those forbidding eyes.
The way he moved, the way he controlled his each body part, the way he attacked; everything about him was top notch. He had never seen anyone who could move like him. Surely his eyes did not betray him. And for the first time in his life he felt greatfull for actually being born into royalty.

He had come across the most beautiful and overwhelming existence in this boring world and surely he was bound to be his. Having this boy as his was akin to having the heaven to himself. And if his eyes could feast on his every battle, he would surely be the luckiest man ever in this universe.

This person was going to be his at any cost.
And sure enough Zarad got him. And Like he said, the boy was within the palm of his hand.
Wait or so.  But where is he? Why is he nowhere to be seen?

THE VILLAIN'S LOVE GROWS FOR HIM.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora