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"what? Say again?" A youthful voiced boomed standing at the hall of a magnificient palace. The beautiful crystal walled hall was occupied by not even fifteen attendants in total as a certain owner did not like his palace to be crowded with people.

"Young Lord, Revard, his highness first prince has gone into secluded cultivation. We do not know when the prince will return." The oldest man amongst the small crowd of attendants replied bowing his head down in respect.

His eyebrow twitched. Revard really wanted to spank that person. No matter how close they were he would never bother to even inform him about his personal matters. Hm....actually they were not emotionally that close. But they could still be considered pretty close.
Damn...that man! Damn that prince! Were they even friends?
Just when he wanted to retreat in vain he noticed someone standing outside the rigid gate that refused to open up for any unwelcomed visitor. Sighing deeply he walked over to him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"A special envoy from the Moon empire has arrived. It seems something interesting is about to unfold." The man replied. He had a  kind of plain appearance but judging by how he did not even greet or shower Revard with flattering respect, he was not someones as simple as his looks.
The latter's expression changed.

"Let's go." He smiled. A special envoy having arrived at such a delicate time was a bit unsettling. Moreover from the moon kingdom?

During this same time the black knights were also gathered together in a small circle, gossiping about the latest news. Like normal people they were also circling the table, like teenage school students digging into celebrity scandals. The relatively older ones sat a bit far away from the flock, minding their own business however their ears were secretly paying attention to the talk going over in the group.
Hitomu sat atop the branch of his favourite tree, basking in the sunlight feeling the cool breeze brushing against his skin. He lazily leaned on the trunk of the tree. Slanting his eyes down on the twenty three year old person with beautiful silver hair sitting in the middle surrounded by a crowd of curious teenagers, he stared at him for a second before looking away.
Needless to say he could hear them very clear from all the way up here.

The only member to betray Zarad, parnn, was his name.
However his betrayal was not necessarily a treacherous misfortune. Infact the reason behind his betrayal was to stop Zarad from turning into someone he was not.
The hawk eye of the black knight, he was an individual with a terrifying skill, adept with the ability to collect information in the blink of seconds, no one knew how he was able to do it. He was also a close subordinate of the villain, a formidable ally and a terrifying opponent.

Closing his eyes Hitomu was once again in deep thought. "The story has changed again." Hearing them mention a man with beautiful yellow hair with clear skin and glowing eyes, it could only be him as yellow hair was extremely rare. And if there was someone with this hair colour they could only be from that one place.
Once again the story had deviated. But he was not even secretly surprised anymore. Mind it, the world he was living in right now was not a book but a real world, with a real time flow, and the actions of the people determined the construction of the future.

He was supposed to die this year, probably two months ago.........

Standing outside the door he stood still, his beautiful yellow hair fluttering and swaying even due to the most trifle movement in his body. Wearing a smile on his elegant face his eyes twinkled with mischief. Although his beautiful eyes looked playful however if one were to look deeply into them they would be gobbled up by its deepness, sinking down to a bottomless pit. He chuckled to himself very lightly.
Hearing him chuckle, on the contrary, the three people standing behind him couldn't help but feel a numbing sensation crawl over their skin.

"What is he planning? Why is his highness here?"

"Why did his highness want to visit the empires so urgently due to such a strange reason. He is not the kind to usually do this kind of formal greetings. Well, of course its good he is all fine now. But...."

"Are we really here to greet? His highness has been behaving weirdly ever since he woke up...."

The three were practically screaming out their thoughts to each other using their eyes to communicate their brain's inner turmoil.

"Hehe!" He chuckled again. On their way to the imperial palace the gossip about the general's death incited a very strange feeling in his heart which was not foreign to him.
Moreover the two most important people were right behind the doorway. Just an invitation and he would meet them personally. It didn't matter if one of them were absent. Just coming here was going to be worth it, his intuition was screaming this to him.
Soon enough the door did not keep him waiting. The door opened and be was invited in.
Stepping inside a hall full of intimidating ministers in the presence of the imperial family, one would certainly sweat in pressure. However he did not restrain himself from exhibiting his real self. Walking on light weight steps he swept a glance around the hall, his eyes taking liberties at staring at the chess pieces of the sun kingdom's ruler. His eyes stopped at some two or three people until it rested on the king, not ignoring the two empty seats. disappointing!

Cupping his hands forward he bowed his head down, greeting the king.

"Greetings to the king of the Sun empire. The crown prince of the Moon kingdom, Prince Shand, greets  king Satt, his royal highness." He straightened his back up. Looking up at him wearing an elegant smile on his face, he stared into Satt's eyes. "Please forgive this insolent one to pay a visit here during such a misfortunate day. However, because the dawn rose upon the dead flower of the moon kingdom, i had to personally travel to greet the fifteen kingdoms of the world, as a way of showing my gratitude to the heaven's good will."

"I hope this highness will not be misunderstood." He raised his eyebrows at the frowning faces of some people. His face beaming with a beautiful smile, and his eyes laden with hidden threats.

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