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Surprisingly Satatra just gave out an 'eh' before he actually resumed his footsteps. His face held no reaction to this piece of shocking news of his father's murder.
The head guard and the others were a bit shocked but in their hearts they thought perhaps the crown prince was a strong person so his face showed not trace of his own emotions and thoughts.
Shortly after Satatra arrived at the area under the attack of magical beasts. The buildings, the road and shops were in ruins. People were panicking in fear. Upon noticing his arrival the people started to calm down wording some words to him but Satatra had his eyes focused on the arena. According to what his eyes could see right now a few of the magical beasts were missing, most of them were slayed lying dead. The damage inflicted on the bodies of the beast confirmed his suspicion.
His eyes flashed towards a certain direction. For a split second there were shadows of a few people retreating away into the forest.
The head guard who had followed the crown prince's gaze immediately caught sight of the shadows. Just as he was about to act Satatra gave him a meaningful look.

"Treat the injured. Search the area and see if anyone is trapped underneath these ruins. Help the people ease their nerves and if anything is needed don't hesitate to exert effort. In a few days the city shall be restored to its previous glamour."

As soon as he said these words to the guards, everyone acted without any delay.

True to his words the town was restored to its former glory in just a few days. The magical beast attack was no secret to the public so it spread throughout the empire how mysterious the attack had been.
However this small news couldn't compare to the headlines that had been spreading throughout the empire and into the other continents like a wilfire, disrupting the consciousness of the people to an extend that not only the natives of Razia but even the neighbouring continents couldn't help but shudder at the news that had reached their ears.
The revelation of the rumoured black knights, an organisation of humans with monstrous powers that had been mentioned in some ancient texts actually exist. The crown prince of Razia empire himself had confirmed this fearful organisation's existence. It was inevitable that the relation between this organisation and the mysterious beast attack had been subjected to many stories and rumours.
The first headline was perhaps not enough. So with the news of the late king, King Satt's death and the massacre that took place in a secret chamber of the imperial palace took the second spotlight when it came to the fire that was spreading in the empire itself.
It was revealed that the murderer was none other than the first prince of the kingdom itself.
This added chaos to the fire that was spreading rapidly.
Furthermore, the imperial palace have denounced the Crown Prince of Moon empire, Prince Shand as the murderer of the late imperial general, general Gale whose death had caused an uproar once. Not only that, prince shand had now been labelled as a wanted criminal in the empire who had escaped, who while residing in the palace had been spying on the sun palace.

With all these shocking truths splashing coldly onto their faces the public was so shocked that they did not even knew where and how to start. They had so many things to say and speak yet none of them could utter a single word because no one had gone through the shock period and recovered yet. All of them were still immersed in this feeling of shockwave that seemed to hit them so hard yet their bodies did not react in any way, as if the brain, heart and the body were refusing to give the control back to them, not yet ready to let go.

Of course there were always some exceptions.

Aroar couldn't understand why his own nephew had taken this drastic step of revealing the organisation's existence, the murder of the late king and the snake like nature of crown prince shand, yet he had not acted against the first prince, the murderer of the late king or ordered a search issue to locate the whereabouts of the black knights.
There were also a few of the brain active officials who were thinking the same.
How could they possibly know that Satatra had a very clear view on who the foe was. In his eyes, the black knights were not his or the empire's enemy. Since they had never appeared in the kingdom before it meant these people had been living contently in the shadows. They held no animosity towards the empire who had subjugated them to live in the dark, never dreaming to step in the light. And as for why they had appeared this time, everything had to be because of the magical beasts attack that had been designed by the snake like crown prince, prince shand.
This runaway prince was the enemy of the kingdom. He posed as a threat to the world of Satino. Satatra labelled him as a dangerous enemy.
As for the matter regarding the first prince, his half brother, he was very clear on the fact that although Zarad hated king Satt and the latter hated him too, there had to be something that drove his half brother almost crazy, crazy enough for a reclusive person like him to commit murder and kill the king. Between his half brother who hated associating himself with anyone else and the incompetent king who ignored his kingly duties, Zarad had a better image in Satatra's eyes. They even got along well in the past when they were kids.
As for king satt, he knew how much of a failure he was.

The public and those officials who wanted to know, had no idea what their crown prince thought about regarding these issues.

While the chaos was spreading throughout the world, Tharta who had been searching for a missing person learnt about the mysterious beast attack. Once he heard this he was very sure of the fact that the person he was looking for was the one who had initiated the attack.
Ahaii was definitely the one who had caused it!
Without delay he had to rush towards the capital.

During this time no one knew where the main actors that had caused this chaos were.
No one doubted that one of the main actors on the spotlight were actually residing very closely, into the dangerous forrest of the netherland. Not only that, the fearful organisation also resided there at the moment when the kingdom was sent in an uproar because of them.

Hitomu kept watch on the back facing him which belonged to the person who was still immersed in the cold pool, his clothes still stained with red blood. His torso was submerged under water so the stains on his lower clothes had been washed away by the water, dissolving in the transparent liquid. The only parts that still had some lingering blood stains were his shoulders and chest. Including his face on which the red stains had dried up making his face appear more bloodshot. The halo fluctuating around him had yet to disperse.
Ever since that day Zarad had been soaking in this cold pool, not budging a bit.
Thankfully Hitomu had ordered the members of the black knights to be stationed away from this spot until he told them it was okay to transfer here.  When some of them had seen this appearance of their master, they were rendered speechless. They even wanted to help but the frightening aura of their master did not allow them to come near him. Hitomu was the only person who could stand unfazed within the royal aura's domain.
Hitomu had been standing at this exact same spot for a few days. Waiting patiently.
Finally it seemed the time had come.

"Why are you here?" The man who had not spoke for a couple of days finally made a sound. His voice sounded hoarse, the lingering anger still sounding in his speech.
"Go away!!!"

It was impossible for Zarad to not sense this person standing near him. Initially he had been unable to concentrate on the things arround him. It was yesterday when he had regained some of his sanity thus the first thing he noticed was the presence of this person.
Although the anger in his heart had not subdued yet, the fire of rage burning within him was still hot and fiery. Yet he could not bring himself to let the fluctuations of his halo affect the slender figure of the boy. So while Zarad tried to calm himself down he had been making sure to regulate his rampaging halo not to harm Hitomu. However it seemed impossible as the fire ignited in his heart did not seem to calm down.

Slanting his eyes back at Hitomu, he once again spoke in a cold tone. "Why are you still here? Leave!!!" His presence affected Zarad in many ways.

Hitomu calmly took in the sight of the back that had finally turned around to face him. Right now the emotions he was feeling were very complex. He did not understand why he had been standing here watching and looking out for this guy. One thing for sure, his feet refused to move from this spot and so his heart. And so he had been waiting.
"I have been waiting for you to turn and face me."

Zarad starred at him unemotionally. His face did not give away any kind of reaction.

Hitomu met his gaze head on. Then the next moment without any further words or any warning he flew towards the other person at a very fast speed.
Zarad had barely reacted to his sudden movement when Hitomu was already standing very close to him.
The nonchalant look his eyes were carrying at this time was chilling to the bones.

"You....i knew for a fact that someday, a day when you would kill the king would come..." Hitomu kept close watch on Zarad's expression as he continued.
"I knew it yet i did not stop it."

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