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When Miko first heard about the Crown prince of moon kingdom visiting the empire, she never gave it any attention. However, once the news of the falling lana kingdom fell into her ears, it alarmed her consciousness. The idea of world unification had always been seeded deep inside her consciousness. The reason why she never spoke of it was because of the historical foundation of the empires laid down by the will of the god ever since ancient times, so she naturally felt that if she were to ever speak of this idea, it would equal to challenging the foundation of history itself.
Nevertheless, world unification under a single monarch had always been an ideal thought in her mind.
Yesterday, she had heard of the special envoy representing the newly annexed kingdom being the man himself who had conquered the lana empire. So, naturally she had departed for the palace.

There were two reasons.

First, she was curious to see as to what kind of man the person who was striving for world domination was.
As for her second reason, it entirely depended on her first reason.
She had to see the man with her own eyes.
When she reached the palace, she requested an audience with the Crown prince. Of course, she had heard of the rumours. So she was a bit startled when the young man received her with respect.

Right now, he was sitting across the table facing her.
They had been sipping tea calmly as both of them studied each other from head to toe.

Shand never read the entire novel thoroughly. The old woman in front of him was the very same royal lady who had introduced the idea of world unification to the protagonist. She was a major key figure of this world. This he knew. Although he did not knew about this character in depth just by meeting her once he could tell the other was a formidable character. Her persona even reminded him of a certain woman who he had encountered a few times when he was on earth. Both that woman and this woman gave off the same air of uniqueness.

Miko, on the other hand was pleasantly surprised. The young man had a tint of playfulness in his eyes, but they also had a bit of ruthlessness coming from the soul deep within. He held an air of aloofness yet at the same time gave off an air of royalty. The aura she could perceive from this crown prince felt extremely similar to the aura of that lovely young boy. Thinking of Hitomu, her eyes went soft. She had been mourning his loss. Even now she still couldn't accept the fact thay the boy had been killed so unreasonably.

"It is the pleasure of this crown prince to have the chance of meeting Lady Augreal in person." Crown prince Shand spoke in a clear voice breaking th silence first.

Miko looked at him. She put down the cup of tea. "I heard the Cown prince was an incompetent individual. Turns out rumours cannot be trusted. It is a pleasure of this lady to meet prince Shand." She chuckled lightly at the end of her words.

Shand pondered if he should thicken his human mask. He felt this lady might be a bit troublesome to deal with. But after a brief moment he pushed the idea out of his head. If his pretense was to be obvious, this old woman might view him as a snake. So instead of letting the other evaluate him as a snake, he would rather pass  off himself as one. In this way, the other will not evaluate him as a man who grow grasses in the open yet cut them in secret.

"May this prince know the reason for this lady's visit?" Making up his mind he decided not to beat around the bush.

"This lady was simply just curious as to what kind of person the man who was aiming for world unification was. It appears the man in question knows quite well what he is doing is against the foundation of our world set by god." She spoke. Then added looking into his eyes. "Rewriting history comes with an outrageous price of blood, war and human lives."

"Nothing in this world has ever been for free. They grow on human actions and manifest on human desires. A deed so big as rewriting history will obviously come with a great price. Nevertheless, once the world will be unified, things will be for the better. Even without it, war and blood are still being spilled , somewhere in some part of this world, even at the moment we are speaking. Just a little bit more, for a stable and peaceful future, in no big deal."

THE VILLAIN'S LOVE GROWS FOR HIM.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora