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Hello! Its been a while. Well actually my exams were over ages ago. But i could not find time to post new chapters for my story. There are a lot of things going on in my country right now with the CAB issue. India is going through one of its democracy test trials. And everyone is hoping for the best.  Also since its winter vacation i have been spending quality time with my family as all of my siblings are gathering back together from their hostels and so on. While i was at home i was too occupied with my family. And i am also helping my younger sister with her studies. So my whole time was spent on doing these things and as a result i had no time to write new chapters and post them until today.


Anyway let this chapter begin right away.

Zarad stared back at that old bastard's shocked face. His wrinkled profile was staring back at him with surprise. As the silence between them continued he began frowning his eyebrows at the old man he hated so much.

"Hmph!" King Satt huffed. "Why bother telling me when you do whatever you want. Everytime."

"I wasn't asking. I was informing." Came his immediate reply.

"And? How are you so sure that he will come back alive?"

"He will."

"You really are quite confident of that boy. Why would that be?"

The pair of father and son began bickering as if they were having a calm conversation between them. But what Zarad said next took the piece which was enough to shut up the king's mouth.

"Only a man with eyes can tell it. Too bad your eyes are dull with old age and incompetence."

King Satt's eyes flared up in anger. Having no way of retorting he pointed at him and shouted. "You impudent disgrace!"

"You incompetent disgrace." He replied.

Zarad and king satt kept still until the king's personal guard intruded them.
"The convict has returned. My king."
Their eyes flashed in an instance. Except that the prince's eyes were brimming with excitement while the king's with surprise. Only a night had passed and the boy had already returned? Alive from the Garden of Netherland. This really did surprised the king a lot.

"Call for an audience of my ministers." With this command Shadow left the room.
As he himself was about to leave a  voice from behind spoke for one last time.

"Don't forget to do that thing." With these words leaving his lips he flew out of the room in a second, leaving behind a stupified king who was flaring up once again.

But still no one had ever expected that frail disfigured youth to come back alive. When he entered the door in the presence of the king, the princes and the ministers all their eyes were at the thing in his hands. Hanging in his clutch was the head of the terrifying beast that was feared by all the people of the Razia continent. With thorny scales covering its entire forehead and a pair of two sharp horns which contained a lethal poison that could make people fall into a sleep like death; the creature's ability to breath out fire, its entire body clad in thick and strong black armour and pointed claws; given its large size, it was a huge relief that it had no wings. With a very low reproduction rate the BLACK FURY had a very small population since ancient times and its race had diminished over centuries or else terror would have ruled the continent. This All-kill terrifying predator, only a few were able to kill it.
However right before them was the head of a black fury hanging down in the hands of a frail boy who was barely twenty. Its predatory red eyes shinning like a gem as if it was still full of life. What's more eyecatching was the peculiar slash around the neck part of the decapitated head, it's edge was as if cleanly chopped effortlessly. Moreover the one who had hunt it had not even a drop of blood spilled on his clothes. The head of the most terrifying beast dangling lifeless in a youngster's hand, all the ministers could not help but be a bit intimidated by it. Some even felt chills run down their spines at the sight of the black fury's head. Not even the imperial family was an exception.

Amidst this time of engulfing astonishment Hitomu lifted the heavy head and threw it up as if he was lifting a pillow and It landed right at the feet of the imperial general before anyone could react.

"Well!" He said staring at him with an overbearing aura. "Like you said i kept my promise. That head near your feet, it is a present." Tilting his head a bit he completed with three outraging words. "Said the Reaper!"

Well that's it for today.

THE VILLAIN'S LOVE GROWS FOR HIM.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora