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Among the populaion of the kingdom were some few who were born with extraordinary strength or extraordinary talent. When caught by the net they were sent to the forest of Netherland to die there. Some fell and some rose and those who rose were put to death by a fake execution, later recruited into a special secret organisation. Though there were rumours of its existence it was never proven. The thought of a special unit comprising humans of deathly potent terrified the main population. But at the same time they gave the kingdom a sense of security. Legend had it that this race of extraordinary humans were born from a noble lineage who mated with a person neither male nor female. The person was a he but also a she and was blessed by the gods to have his own children. When the couple's first generation kids were born they were highly gifted and lived on the land righteously. However the nobility grew jealous overtime and began preying on them. The descendants of the bloodline were dispersed and was scattered across all over the kingdom. Though they diminished over time they were believed to still exist in the lands of Razia continent; their small population constituting a secret organisation of the sun empire. Living in isolation they performed secret missions behind the scenes of the kingdom knights. It was rumoured they were the peace keepers between the magical creatures and the people of the kingdom while hiding in the dark. And in case a war were to break out they were transformed into killing machines to win over the war. Some rumours even talked about the use of the Black knights in an ancient war recorded in the history of the kingdom won over by the sun empire through its operation into that particular war. They acted as the pillars of shield against the invasion of the other continents; thus explaining why Razia was never ever attacked by its surrounding landmasses. However when one researched they never found any evidence.

Even the court ministers took an interest in the rumours but failed to collect evidences proving its actual existence. They were fearful of it yet were hopeful for it to be true. Unfortunately or fortunately the existence of such a secret organisation was only a rumour and it remained a rumour in the eyes of the people as well as the palace dwellers.

But they were all infact wrong.

The Black knight organisation did exist.

Led by the first born of the sun empire as its commander, this secret organisation was not to be denied to the first son of the current king. It was by birth the right of the first born to be its commander and master.
Only the father and the master were the respective two to be aware of its existence. Not even the other princes, the king's other sons were an exception. Except for when the crown prince inherited the throne rightly the new king was informed of its existence. Until then it remained a secret to the other princes.

"I want him." When he spoke those words to him he was speechless. As father and son they hated each other. Though everyone did not know they knew they despised each other.

"Why are you even asking me when you do whatever you want against and without my consent." He retorted back to him. By now he was used to see his blue hair falling open in all its grace. However to the king it was a reminder of that witch's identity. Something that he loathed.

"I wasn't asking" he replied. "I was informing."

Though king Satt hated him to the point he would frown whenever they met he knew he had no right to robe him of his privilege.
And that was how he gave out the order of the execution shocking even the crown prince with his verdict.

God knew how he was able to stop himself from blurting it out to Miko, whom he told everything. Though it was hard to believe but he still seemed to have a little bit of conscience as the ruler and king of the empire. Thankfully he knew he could not go against his ancestors.
So he shut his mouth and let her continue her criticism. Although very sad he comforted himself by feasting at the happiness of having her presence in his life even if it was only for today. Pathetic! He thought to himself. He was indeed pathetic.

While in a dark and a dense forest the person who was the talk of the kingdom was resting on the bark of a tree enjoying the gentle breeze.

Ahhhh! My freedom, goodbye. He couldn't help but think so. He had been reduced back to his former lifestyle.

Pairs of eyes watched over him in curiosity and disbelief.

Unknown to them that a fire was burning up inside the heart of their commander who was reminiscing that scene repeatedly playing it over and over inside his mind again and again.

"Ah....!" He exclaimed in silence. He had never ever been overwhelmed by anyone to this extend in his entire twenty five years. So much overwhelmed that he wanted to witness him swing his arms over and over.
The elegance. The swiftness. His speed and his agility. Every movement of his body and attack was top notch.

"To think that a veteran of a battlefield would fall for the same attack twice. Are you even great?"

The image of his profile as he held a small dagger pointed at the veins of his opponent's neck, looking down at him with cold eyes; that look shook the core of his heart overwhelming him to his fullest.

He was like the dagger in his hands who could pierce through any sword, no matter how noble and lustrous the sword was.

And now the man was under his command.

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