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"Aaahhhh!" He screamed in pain. His blue orbs looked at the man who was wearing a black mask. His cold eyes stared at him devoid of emotions. The life of the man withered by his sword as it pierced through his heart. His hands fell lifeless and his eyes lost its gleam.

"Your next mission is to kill the president of xxx country. He is forty...." His master's words rang deaf in his ears.

"You devil. I curse you die by a terrific death. You demon!"

"What did we do to you? Why are you doing this to us? Whyyy?"

"Please spare my daughter. She is only one. Please! Please at least, please don't kill her."

These voices lived within his conscience. And it followed him everywhere. Even in his dreams, tormenting him of the sins he had committed, of the lives he had taken, reminding him that his hands were stained with blood that could never be washed away. And thus the rotten smell of his body followed him everywhere. No matter how hard he ran it found its way to him. Always.

He hummed as he walked out of the president's room. He walked through the spacious hallways which was smeared with blood. Blood of his last mission. A pile of dead bodies laid here and there. His cold eyes looked down at them with tears forming in his lifeless eyes.

The machine in his ears buzzed.

"Young Owl, five minutes until the man's minions arrive. Blow up the place. The door to your route awaits you at a....." He cut of the connection and threw it off.

A strange memory flash across his mind.

"I see you are trying to rid yourself of your shell which is stuck to you like your skin, refusing to leave you." The shaky voice of an old woman rang in his ears. Those words to him came as a big shock.

"You are a pitiable person." She smiled at him. Out of all the people he had killed she remained a fresh memory in his dull collection. She was the only one who had smiled at him before she had withered by his hands.

"When death welcomes you, when it embraces you" she spoke. "I pray you be free of your chains; the cuffs holding you back may break and you be free of them."

He smiled recalling her words. He never thought he would actually meet someone who was able to read his thoughts like an open book.

"Death is my only choice."

Boom. Boom. Boom.

The sound of explosions startled the surrounding neighbours of the huge mansion which was blazing with fire and exploding rapidly. It immediately caught the eyes of the bystanders by many many miles and yards. Little did they know that the explosion was going to make headlines after a few minutes.

Two figures stood at the roof of a building somewhere. They stared at the mountain of fire and smoke.

"Did you know why he did it?" A man asked. He looked about twenty five.

"Why do you think?" The older guy asked him back.

They looked at each other and at the exploding mansion. Sadly they both knew the answer so they did not voice the answer into words.

"Goodbye, old friend Anwyll. And i pray may happiness embrace you in your next life."


He opened his eyes after having his afternoon nap. And it was satisfying. He had not had a rest ever since those brats had troubled him with crazy questions during his every class. But it did not trouble him the least. Infact he liked it very much on the contrary. He looked out of the window and saw something. Concern filled his eyes as he left his bed.

An old lady was struggling to pull out a bucket of water from the well. She was in her early seventies. No wonder the strength in her body had died. A hand stretched from behind her and took hold of the rope.

"Let me help you, grandma Miko."

She turned back at him with a curve forming on her wrinkled lips as she recognized his voice without the need to look at his face.

"Oh my, Hitomu. Its you again." She smiled at him.

NOTE: Okay. So I have been getting a lot of comments saying my story is confusing. So I will apologise in advance and I would also like to tell you all that my narration style is quite different, if you read the entire thing you will be able to piece everything together but if you don't continue to read it, it will be very confusing for you. Since I deviate the begining of every chapter most of the time which doesn't match with the ending of the previous chapters, people may find it confusing, which is why you will have to read the following next chapters to get an idea of what exactly happened. I also use time skip to deviate the narration but I do add the things that happened in the time skip in the next occuring chapters. So if you continue reading, those confusions will clear up on its own.
I hope this disclaimer helps.  I had to add this in the prologue since I kept getting comments. Hope this will help.

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