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Warnning: Smut scene.

Aaron frowned as he stared at the purple bruise on the broad back of a man. He kept silent as he watched the maid apply ointment on it. His fingers fidgeted around nervously.

"Leave." Satatra gave his word and the maid immediately left. He then pulled his clothes on. From the corner of his eyes he noticed the beauty fidgeting. Satara was still in a very bad mood.
"what? Still thinking of ways to run away?" It had been a few days but he was still angry at Aaron for trying to run away and putting himself at risk.

Aaron shook his head hard. "Not anymore. I won't run away anymore."

With a snort. "I have heard that plenty of times. Anyway, it was my fault for not keeping an eye on you. From this moment on I will not let my guard down." After he said this he got up from the bed. He felt the other pull at his sleeves. With a sigh he turned around.
"What is it? You have something to say?"

Aaron hesitantly shook his head. Satatra waited for him to speak up but the latter kept biting his lips while tugging tighter onto his sleeves. His red lips were so enticing that Satatra could barely keep his eyes away from them. And in that second his instict took over his body as he grabbed the other's head, smacking his lips onto Aaron's. Satatra felt his love tremble.

"Heh! What a cute reaction." He thought. He then licked Aaron's lower lips before pulling away. He was about to say something but when he saw the expression on Aaron's face his soul was stupefied.
A red blush covered Aaron's entire face. His eyes were a bit misty with an inexplicable look. Even the tips of his ears were tinted red. And he looked as if he was in a daze. When he noticed the wolf prince looking down at him he blushed even redder and turned his head to the left to avoid Satatra's burning gaze. He then shut his eyes clenching his chest that was beating as if it was going to explode.

"Don't. Heart stop it. Stop being so loud. He will hear me." He prayed in his heart trying to calm down his crazy heart.

Satatra was in a shock. He tilted his head towards the left in order to have a good look on the face that Aaron was making right now. But when Aaron saw him his beautiful honey brown pupils fluctuated a bit. Then he turned his head to the right in order to hide his face away from the wolf prince.
Satatra was amused at his reaction.

"Heh. What is this? This never happened before." He whispered to himself as he chuckled with an evil grin. In an instant he hauled the slender body of the other person with his arms and sat down at the corner of the bed then he set down the person in his hands onto his laps. Aaron was flustered when he realised that he was straddling the crown prince.

"!?!" He stuttered clumsily as his face blushed even harder.

Satatra smirked when he saw his love react this way. A warm feeling filled his entire heart, his soul feeling the joy at this sudden discovery. Thank you gods for your blessings onto this one. His inner self was grinning wider and wider. Recollecting his composure he grabbed Aaron's chin and kissed him on the forehead. The other person exploded, smoke emerging from his head, his entire face tinted red with an inexplicable feeling. Satatra was enjoying this very much. He put his lips on Aaron's red ear lobe and licked them softly before saying.
"Aaron....did you finally fall this prince?"

When he heard him say these words Aaron felt his heart tremble, his heartbeat beating even faster than before. He wanted to deny it but was unable to refute. In the past he was able to scold this wolf prince without feeling a shred of guilt but when he denied him this time he felt a painful squeeze in his heart.
"W...who...who would like you!!!" The moment he said this he felt like slapping himself. He felt his heart squeeze tighter, even his stomach was complaining with pain. Aaron felt his mood crumble.

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