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When the two love birds returned at the dragon palace they were greeted by two people. They were the only people present at the entire dragon palace at the moment because a certain formidable uncle had dismissed all the attendants in order to cover up for a certain crown prince because he knew they were returning in the morning.
And of course this sneaking-in dragon was scolded by the fierce royal uncle. Not to mention when he noticed the injured arm of his nephew he couldn't help but glare at the beauty who had stolen the heart of his dear Satatra. Aaron on the other hand was oblivious to his dagger stares, because he knew that this old guy disliked him from the very moment he learnt of the prince's love for him. He had no idea that Aroar's dislike for him had accumulated double the amount since he was the reason why the crown prince had left the palace in the first place, missing a very important meeting, and even got injured while protecting him. Had Aaron known he would have a hint of guilt reflected in his eyes, but because he was unaware of these facts, his oblivious reaction made the royal uncle frown even more at him.
If it wasn't for Satatra's genius idea of stationing Chi as his back up in regulating his uncle's temper, the latter might have even exploded long ago.
Thankfully no one other then Chi and Aroa knew that the Crown prince had been away for about a week or so, execpt for Hitomu and the envoy,who saw them sneaking back.

Speaking of the special envoy, as soon as Satatra was informed of his arrival and the mysterious death of the imperial general a very unsettling feeling rose in his heart. Of course he knew of the rumors surrounding the crown prince of the Moon empire. As for his real temperament he wasn't impatient to meet him in person, and get to know the face behind the mask on the crown prince's face.
However fate had something else designed for Satatra.

"Greetings to the future Halo of the sun empire. Prince Shand from the Moon royalty pays his utmost respect to Crown prince Saratra."
Wearing a nonchalant smug smiling mask on his face he approached the other two party standing a few yards away from him.
The three of them were alone at the lonely hallway.
His elegant face was radiating with a very mysterious aura that seemed to trigger a sense of wariness deep down in Satatra's conscience.
Nevertheless, he was the next heir to the throne so he did not display any kind of uneasiness before him.

"Crown Prince Shand, please, you don't need to be so formal with me. After all, we are both crown princes of our empires. Its rightful for both of us to stand on the same grounds, no?" With a slight chuckle he replied him nonchalantly.

"Oh? Really?" Shand raised his eyebrows and then playfully slanted his eyes at him. "Then this prince shall do as the crown prince wishes."

While speaking so they both measured up each other silently. One was a gigantic fox with an elegance that radiated very mysteriously in the eyes of the beholders, his mesmerizing unique eyes shining with a strange sharpness masked with layers of perfectly crafted human skin while the other was a majestic wolf,  with a halo above his head, his noble traits, one look at him and people could drown in those beautiful blue eyes, these very symbols were a gift from the heavens, to this man standing, who was destined to be the king of kings.

The first word to come to their mind on each other's impression was..........

"A multiple faced sly fox."

"A hot blooded in love wolf."

Sure enough wonders, really, never did cease.

When their eyes met they stared at each other as if communicating through them. Instinctively Satatra brought the person behind him closer to himself, hiding him from the other person's sight.
Shand noticed this. He swept a glance at Aaron before the latter's face was covered by the crown prince's broad shoulders. But as Aaron was retracted fully behind those broad and dependable shoulders his own honey brown orbs fluctuated in surprise.
Those balls which were a mixture of orange and yellow possessed a strange hidden provocative shine, almost like a thin mirage, it was unnoticeable but it was still there.

His gaze made Satatra frown. "Haha!" He laughed. "I heard the crown prince was here with good will however it seems that was a lie. Really?"

Shand focused his eyes back on him, the provocation was still there in his eyes. His beautiful eyes smiled as he looked straight into the other's blue eyes. "As expected from the man with the protagonist's halo. Sure enough, you really are a wolf blessed by the god. And since the prince has seen through, i might as well be plain honest with you." Stepping up three steps he kept his damn straight eyes on the deep blue orbs. While Satatra kept his guard up, protecting his love from this man's scorching gaze.

The envoy chuckled at this scene. "No need to protect him like that so much. Infact i think you should worry about yourself more, crown prince Satatra."
Stopping at his fourth step he added with a very eerie expression, his lips curved into a big smirk, his penetrating eyes smiling smugly, eyes shooting out a silent bloodshot stare, he whispered in a low but audible voice.
"Because i will make sure to make the game worthwhile, if i don't, there will be no fun."

Satatra's instincts screamed out in alert, a chill overran his body, overwhelming him so much that even his body reciprocated unconsciously.
"You Dare?" The fierce look in his eyes were blazing with a strong will. This was the very same will that drove the entire half of the story to great intensity.

The bloodshot eyes fell down to calmness in a moment, and within a second, he smiled playfully again, the insane looking expression wiped off his face completely, as if it were never there. The elegance was back on his face like usual. Then he answered nonchalantly.
"No worries, prince Satatra. Don't put up your guard so much. This prince has nothing planned at the moment and was only thinking of trivial things for the future.
That said, please excuse me. A love nest is never to my liking, infact, i detest it."

Satatra's eyes widened in shock, Momentarily speechless he was. After a second he laughed out. "So you were the one who killed the imperial general. How daring and bold!"

Turning around Shand suddenly walked away, leaving the other two people rooted on their spot. His blue eyes followed his figure with extreme wariness and an intent to kill. Right then his retreating figure stopped and he turned his head midway. Slanting his eyes back at Satatra he commented casually, "By the way, i will advice you two not to try and elope. Eloping never does end well. Oh and" As if reminding one of his close subordinates he added. "I advice you to prepare for the future. A lot of muddle may come your way if you were to become too careless and too indulgent."

After all, i have other important preparations to make first......The existence of the Black knights. I have to dig into it first and then maybe, get rid of its master and take the reins from him? No...that sounds too boring. Hehe.....the villain, huh, how interesting.......!

While his lone figure was walking away his back released an oppressing and ominous black aura, the aura was so dark and black, that the two love birds didn't fail to smell the faint aroma of a huge storm brewing in the black abyss.

Who was this dangerous man? Was he really the crown prince of the moon kingdom? Or was this person before them an imposter? If so then what was his real identity?
Nevertheless one thing was for sure. And that was the faint smell of a huge storm that was still lingering in the conscienece of the crown prince and his lover.

A/N: Do expect a special chapter today. I have never celebrated valentine's day in my entire twenty one years but i am gonna do this year with 'wattpad' and the 'villain's love grows for him.'
Also who do you think Shand is? Will he discover the existence of the black knights? Or do you think Hitomu and this mysterious character will face off in the upcoming next chapters?

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