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"watch out!" Lydith shouted. "It is right behind us!" The three sprinted like crazy bull hiking down their horns except that their spirit was falling off at the moment as the huge and magnificent emerald bear chased after them, like a mad snake, shifting its path as if trying to ambush them from their left and right. What's more hrrorifying was that it was catching up to them fast.

"Shouldn't we climb a tree?" Lanse yelled.

"Idiot!" Marthx shouted. "By the time we stop for even a bit it will leap at us right away."

Lydith looked back at the magical creature's horrid face. Gulping a bit he clenched his teeth. "How about we attack it? After all we have trained for about a year or so. Let's test our skills on that monster."

'Are you crazy? Attack that thing? Fighting that monster is equal to accounting death. We do not stand a chance. Not with a leveled up emerald bear.' Was what the two wanted to say to him but before they could do so the latter had already taken off and was already leaping back with his sword unsheathed.
"Idiot!"The two exclaimed in silence but followed him immediately.
Like ants crawling up to an elephant the three of them encircled the beast. Although their swords were pointing at it their shine were somehow rusted with fear.

''Ggggrrrrrr'' It snapped its white fangs at them.

Just a roar and it was enough to intimidate them. And in their moment of unpreparedness the bear leaped at Lanse. The latter taken aback somehow managed to block its forelimbs that were pouncing with its long and lustrous claws pointing out of its paws. However while blocking away its claws his sword was thrown aloof with the momentum of its swing. At the same time the bear plunged his fangs forward ready to kill. Lydith immediately came to aid him. He twisted his sword with his right hand and slashed it at its face.


The blade grazed pass its cheek lightly. Blue blood spilled out from the small cut. It retreated back by an inch and the small cut was healed within the blink of an eye. Then it glared intensely at Lydith before it began attacking again. Snapping fiercely at him while he kept swinging his sword to ward it off the emerald bear finally broke through. Biting into the iron of the blade it actually snapped the sword into two. Not stopping just there it approached him ready to bit off his neck. But before it could actually reach him another body came to shield him from its attack.

It was Marthx.

Its huge fangs were ready to bit into his supple skin. Lydith stared at the secene with horror in his eyes. Lanse had tears seeping out from the corner of his eyes. While Marthx closed his eyes shut waiting for the deed to be over in a flash. Surprisingly it never came.
In a flash a lean figure jumped from behind and above them. With barehands he clenched the jaws of the bear and lifted it up then threw it at some distance away on the ground.


The bear actually stood up shaking its head vigorously. It winced in pain. Snapping at the person it began running towards him. He stood still and waited for it to reach him. Once it was within his proximity he jumped onto the back of it and shook its head taking a hold of its furred skin. The bear resisted but once he pressed onto a certain spot of it, it stopped struggling and kept still. Then he got down from it but the bear did not attack him. He signed it to leave and it did so silently and obediently. All its aggression and killing intent was gone.

All this happened in a flash that the three boys stood dumbstruck. They stared at him with weird eyes for a loongg time. So long that he was starting to retreat.

"W...wait!" Lydith suddenly shouted. " did you do it?"

He raised his eyebrow at him. "Why does it matter?"

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