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"Teacher....!!" A group of voice shouted in unison jumping at him from behind.

"Teacher. We have been looking for you." They spoke as they encircled him, tugging his clothes.

He smiled at them. "Where are your manners? Greet grandma Miko." He scolded them in a soft voice.

The children heeded his command and greeted the grandma by his side.

"Good evening Grandma Miko."

She smiled at them. "Oh my, Hitomu. They like you a lot." She giggled like a teenage girl, feasting the sight before her.

"Yes grandma Miko. We love teacher a lot." A child spoke.

"He helps us study and never punish us. Also studying is very much easier when teacher explains to us." Another said.

"Also he tells us very interesting stories." Another added.

Hitomu sighed at their speech. These brats. Never thought that these were the very same kids who feared him and called him a monster a few months ago.
Although their reaction was quite acceptable. Specially in this world. Children who weren't taught the right way to express words were bound to speak primitive expressions of words to describe things. Also the fact that he actually reached out the villagers for labour works scared the guts out of the villagers as many were still stigmatized about his appearance. And that was when Miko came into his life. A noble lady who had abandoned the luxury life of the palace and instead led a very normal life in the village like a commoner employed him as a teacher at the public school of the village after evaluating if he was a fit for the role of a teacher or not. At first he was the subject of pity, disgust, fear and many other social prejudices because of his disfigured face but after a while when his teachings began bearing fruit he became the favourite of the children at the public school. And not only the children even his colleagues began accepting him for who he was.

This was how the former famous prodigy assassin embarked on his journey to become the children's favourite teacher in the entire universe. And it had been almost two years since he had began working as a teacher and surprisingly it was the best two years of his entire life.

"Teacher. You promised us that you would tell us the continuation of the story you told us the last time if we scored more than eighty marks in our exams." A little girl of seven pouted at him, blowing up her pink chubby cheeks.

"Yes. Teacher. You promised us." The others agreed. Then everyone took out sheets of white papers from their sleeves. They looked at each other and presented their evaluation paper to him.

Hitomu smiled at them. He sighed internally as he swept his gaze through the collected pile of mark sheets. These children were so cute and innocent. But they were also very true. True to their words as each and everyone of them had indeed scored more than eighty. It was surprising that they were the very same children who hated studying and were unable to score more than forty. And since they had stayed true to their words he will have to do the same.

"Alright. Since you guys have done so well i will reward you with the half of the story. But before that let us leave for my house." He turned to Miko. "We should not disturb grandma Miko."

She giggled at his words. "Ah. You don't have to worry about me. Infact i am also very interested in this story they are demanding. If Hitomu lets me join them i will be very grateful." Her eyes looked at him very sincerely.

He had never received that kind of affectionate gaze directed at him ever since he was born. Right when he was about to approve her request he spotted a man riding on a horse approach them.

Their whole attention was directed at the horseman.

The man was wearing a silver armour with the crest of the sun. No doubt he was from the imperial palace, the capital. He walked towards them and bowed his head at Miko.

"Greetings Lady Augreal. And please pardon this soldier to intrude your wonderful evening."

"You may raise your head." She sighed. "Also. How many times had i told you not to bow your head to me every time we meet. It is very annoying."

The man was startled by her words. Although he should be used to her complains by now he was always surprised by how different she was from the nobles despite being from the same origin.

"So what bad news did you bring this time?" She asked him.

He immediately handed her a letter with the imperial seal on it. She furrowed her brows at its sight. Surely she did not want much to do with the capital.

"Your majesty summons your presence within two days. He has a bit of something important to discuss with you." He hesitated a bit as he glanced at Hitomu and the children.

Then he continued. "A man. A man of unknown origin had appeared. And he..uhm..he has taken over the attention of the second prince. So most of the courtesans are contemplating that he is a.....seductress. They fear he might be an enchantress."

The last words were spoken a bit unwillingly.

Hitomu's eyes twitched, holding no interest at his words. He just exclaimed in silence.

"Oh? So its him? He has finally appeared."

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