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The door was kicked open.
A figure walked inside, his piercing gaze screening the entire place. The inner architect of this palace was very eccentric. The entrance of the palace held its original european design. But the layout of the inner chambers were a peculiar design of sliding doors and furnished wooden floor, with white colour screens decorating the sliding doors. The man walked through the wooden hallways as he slid open every room, just like he had thought, this place was empty, without his soul. He dashed back to the entrance door. Bending his body he picked up the bouquet of white lilies wearing an extremely complicated expression hiding his hurtful face. The hand grabbing the bouquet clenched tightly, his ocean blue eyes waning with a blank look, as if he was undergoing some kind of emotional turmoil. Without realising he turned to his right and began running like a mad man, with the tiger lilies still in his hand, because he had completely forgotten to throw it down from his hands.
After what felt like ten minutes he heard the sound of loud giggles and laughter of some children. Then, he heard the sound of his voice.
His panicking blue eyes engulfed by darkness gleamed instantly, the sorrowful weeping orbs replaced by an extremely bright spirit, his eyes watery, the expression on his face was like he was almost about to burst into tears of agony and joy. When his sight fell on his slender figure, the look on his face melted like ice.

"You little brats!" He had yet to finish his words when he felt someone approaching from behind, stretching his arms towards him. He knew who the person behind him was, but, he still turned around to welcome him with a smile. However before he could turn his body the strong arms of this person caught him, his hands wrapping itself very tightly around his waist and his nape, the arms of this man was shivering, and his grip tightened, as if he was afraid of him slipping away. His heartbeat against his back was throbbing loudly, even his whole chest was shaking slightly. With all these and the shivering of the lips against his bare neck, Hitomu was extremely alarmed.
What happened to this man?
He turned around to face his wearing a very pale expression, but the arms holding him around did not budge even a bit.

Hitomu was shocked. "Zarad, what happened?"

The other person did not reply.

With the way he was behaving how could Hitomu not worry about him. So ignoring his resistance he skillfully peeled away his arms and turned around in a second so that the shaking person does not misunderstand his action, thinking that he was being rejected.
As soon as their eyes met, the look on his face terrified him.

"What.....why are you making this kind of face?"

The face of the other person was extremely teary, his eyes were extremely red, dejected and anxious, even his whole face was dropping down with a melancholy and lonely look. This look horrified the other.

The majestic antagonist of this book was making such kind of face for him right in front of him.

If someone were to see the mighty and formidable first prince like this he would certainly become the joke of the entire world.
Luckily, there was no one other than Hitomu at the moment. The flock of little children had fled the moment they saw him appear and hug their teacher. They were smart enough to let them have some privacy without being told by others. So they were long gone.
Hitomu no longer asked him, and instead pulled him into a hug to assure him that he was there with him. Zarad obediently stayed still in his frail but overwhelming arms. He was as docile as a little puppy. Rubbing his back to comfort him he himself snuggled into his broad chest. And as he was doing this he suddenly noticed the thing in his hand.

"Tiger lilies?" He thought.
He frowned his eyebrows with a realization.

Now he understood why he was being like this and making such a sad expression.
Tiger lilies, while this flower meant prosperity for your family members and your dear ones, this bright flower was like a thorn to this prince. When his late mother, the previous queen died the last thing he received from her was a bouquet of this beautiful flower. He was a young child at the time he went through this trauma.So to him, this flower symbolized separation, or in other words being abandoned or being left behind to be alone.
With a deep wound like this, no wonder he was shaking so much.

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