"Of course she had." William drops some boxes that he is unpacking and immediately walks towards Lennon. He comes behind him, his strong arms slip around Lennon's waist, dragging him closer until his back is pressed against William's chest. His cells are buzzing. Memories of the way William fucked him in the shower last night tease his mind. Beating hearts, bodies becoming one, melting together, fingers pressing into wet skin. "So, you like?"

"Yeah, yeah." The flat is perfect but his mouth goes dry as a rush of anguish sweeps over him. He has to stop this cacophony of thoughts and erase this stupid feeling. "Sorry, didn't bring you a house warming present."

"Oh, I think you did." William's breath tickles his skin, just under his ear and his palms slide down the front of his jeans. "Can I unwrap it now?"

"Smooth, Will." Lennon's breath staggers and he laughs awkwardly. Lennon is never awkward when William flirts, moreover he is the one that mentions sex in most random moments with no trace of shyness, sends nudes when they're not together and sometimes even takes control in the bedroom, fucking William if he is in that kind of mood. But now William just arches a brow, his smile disappearing completely.

"Hey, what's up? Something's up." Lennon swallows and steps away, trying to put some distance between them.


"You don't want to go to my dad's house today? Because if you changed your mind I completely understand."

"No Will, I didn't change my mind, we're gonna go get Cooper and have a nice dinner with your family."

"Only dad, Charlotte and Jack. So no extended family because that would be a nightmare," He laughs. Lennon slowly walks around the room, avoiding William's eyes.

"Sure, I'm good with that."

"Is it the flat? You're freaking out, aren't you? Baby..." William reaches for him again but he turns away and escapes his touch. His arms, his hands. They are fire on him and he needs to keep his cool in order to say what he thinks.

"Look," he begins clearing his throat. "I get it, you can't live in Four Seasons with a dog but why don't you just bring Cooper to my house, you're there all the time anyway and there's a garden?" His voice raises, his words stumbling over each other. William is quiet at first, he studies him, those thoughtful eyes of his not missing anything.

"Because you'll be going on tour in a couple of months and the theatre is a five minute walk from here. It's so important for me to get into it, they are taking a huge risk with hiring me and I want to spend as much time there. When you're in London I will obviously come to yours but when you're on tour I don't want to lose time on traveling from your house to the theatre. You know what it's like with traffic in London. If I can afford it, why not. I've never had my own place in London so there's that too."

When William got the job as an assistant director in the West End theatre a couple of weeks ago it was the happiest Lennon ever saw him. Well, except when Lennon wakes up every morning entwined and tangled around him in ways no one has ever been and William whispers in his ear how happy his boy makes him. But this job is clearly something that makes him bursting at the seams with energy he never had when he was at the head of a record label. So Lennon will always support him. When he sees how challenging it must be for William to be in a relationship with someone who goes on tours around the world and is surrounded by so many people who want a piece of him, he will make sure to support his career as much as William supports Lennon's.

"Shit...I'm being dramatic again." Lennon drags a hand through his hair, frustration surging through him, annoyed that he keeps making a fool out of himself, that he keeps fucking up, dooming the two of them.

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