🌿Chapter Twenty Four🌿

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Gabriel wandered the alleyways, unsure if the city folk here had forgiven the Original Order. They were incredibly far south, perhaps the legend was still strong here. He bit his lip, he would not take risks until this battle, no, war was a better word for it. Until this war was over. Once the final Phoenixes were found, he would propose and, with any luck, marry Ash. He saw a shop called Sapphire's Rings and Weddings. The name catching his eye, Gabriel walked toward the shop. It was in the corner of the street and, as he was the only one there, in a quiet part of the city. He pushed the door open and was met with familiar, even if he hadn't seen them since childhood, teal eyes. Gabriel gave a small gasp of pleasant surprise, "M-Milly? Is that really you?"
Milly had thick, ginger waves and was dressed in a sleeveless, grey dress. She grinned, tears pricking her eyes,
"I should be asking you that, Gabriel!" She said, running up to him and throwing her arms around his neck. Gabriel grinned and hugged her back. As they broke apart, Milly said, "I thought you were dead,"
Gabriel's eyes widened, "What... Why?"
"There's been news that the Original Order's temple was burned to the ground and, this is just a rumour, took you down with it," Her voice broke and her tears began to fall. Gabriel let out something that may have been a sigh or a dry sob. He pushed his childhood best friend's tears from her face, "You know how I hate seeing those I care about cry,"
Milly sniffed, "T-True," She gulped, "So," She said with innocent curiosity, "You found a girl,"
Gabriel blushed as Ash filled his thoughts, "O-Oh yes, Ashley, or Ash as she prefers," He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "She-She's beautiful, kind, brave, makes me laugh and she's always there for me," His smile faltered slightly, "That and the fact that she doesn't hate me for being a fraud. I suppose you do too,"
"Never thought of you as dense, Gabriel," Milly said, "Would I have hugged you if I did?"
Gabriel chuckled again, "No, no I suppose not,"
"Say, what's Ash's favourite gem?"
"Diamond," Gabriel said instantly. Milly smiled,
"I'm sure we'll find the right one,"

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