02. The First Day

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Zayn's POV:

Beeeeppppp bepppppp beeepppppp beeep

I sighed at the ringing noise coming from my phone. I looked to see who would be calling this early in the morning and saw the caller ID


I quickly got up and answered the call. "Hey mum what's up?" 

"Zayn! Today is you're first day at Doncaster again and you're already going to be late! Get you're lazy ass up and dressed or you're going to be late!" 

I sighed and said 'okay mum love you bye' and hung up the phone.

I got dressed in a black t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. My mum always told me not to wear the jeans because I looked gay but I didn't care I know i'm not gay and i'm glad! I went to the bathroom did my hair and put my hearing aid in. I still haven't gotten my surgery so I wouldn't need a hearing aid but it wasn't that big of a deal.

Since we lived in a one story house and my mum had already gone to work I just got my shoes and backpack leaving the house filled with boxes yet to be unpacked. I was told I also had to walk to school since we only lived a block away, if only it was still summer. 

^^^^^^^At school (1 block later)^^^^^^^^

I walked in to my old school. The middle school and high school were combined together because it wasn't that big of a school. I was told to go straight in to the office to get my locker combination and the person who was going to show me around. The office was on the right as you walked in to the school so it wasn't that hard to find.

I walked in to the office and headed to the Secretary named Jean. "Zayn! Zayn Malik is that really you?!" Jean yelled towards me getting up to hug me. She gave me a hug and moved back to her desk. "Hi Jean. Yes it's me Zayn Malik. I'm going to be here for the rest of high school." She had a big smile on her face. Jean was actually my Aunt and she even tried to talk my mum out of pulling me out of school but then again my mum is hard headed.

"Well I have you're schedule and locker combination and you're person is on his way so just sit tight for a moment he should get here soon." I waited and played clash of clans on my phone. It was at least ten minutes before Jean yelled "Louis! Zayn here is new to the high school and I would like you to show him around. I know it's you're first day too but maybe Collin could help you guys!" When I heard that name I turned my head to see Louis Tomlinson. He looked pretty good from the last time I saw him.

He was wearing red chinos and a striped shirt with red vans. He looked good and pretty fit too. "Hi Zayn. You may not remember me and that's okay so let's just go." I sighed, I remember when I told him a couple of days before I moved.

(Flashback: Zayn's moving day)
Louis had just come over my house. We were moving in two days and I needed to tell him why we were leaving. I heard knocking and opened the door to a confused Louis. "Zayn why is there a big truck with boxes in it. You didn't tell me you were leaving." My eyes had tears forming in them. I didn't want to leave Louis but I had too. "Louis i'm moving because my mom doesn't want me to be gay. So just leave before I get in trouble. We will meet again...I promise." As soon as I told him he ran away crying and I just ran to my room also crying.
(Flashback over)

That was a horrible day and I just followed Louis out of the room.

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