Chapter 41 -Worth every dollar-

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(Toni's POV)

Cheryl and I were lying in our bed at Thislehouse. It was now officially ours. There were a couple of boxes with clothes and the small furniture that the movers didn't place in rooms.

I had my hands tangled in Cheryl's redhead, occasionally placing light kisses on her forehead. We were watching some new movie on Netflix on our flat-screen mounted on the wall. Frankly, I wasn't paying attention; I was daydreaming about how I wanted to propose. I know that I want to do it somewhere special and have it very romantic. I've been thinking about proposing for months, but I've wanted to do it the first time I saw her at school in the bathrooms. I've been saving up for a ring for at least two years now, and I want it to be as beautiful as her. The only thing that's making me nervous is talking to Penelope. I know she loves me and all, but it's still scary.

A voice broke me out of my trance, "Babbee!" Cheryl called.

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked, looking at her.

"I asked what you wanted for dinner," she questioned again, propping her chin on my chest.

"Whatever you want, Cher," I answered, kissing her lips. She smiled and kissed my nose. She got off me, making me frown. Cheryl got up from the bed. "Wait, where are you going?"

"To go make us pasta," she smiled. I grinned and laid back down, diverting my attention to the T.V., but I got distracted again. I grabbed my phone and texted Archie.

My eyes widen

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My eyes widen. VERONICA NOW KNOWS. I started panicking and called Archie.

"OH, MY FUCKING GOD, YOU'RE ASKING CHERYL TO MARRY YOU!" Veronica screamed into the phone.

"Shut the fuck up before she hears you," I warned.

"Please, I'm talking into a phone she can't," Veronica said.

"It's Cheryl. She could hear you whisper it from across the country, and she would hear you," I giggled. "But seriously, Veronica, I'm not joking. I asked Archie not to tell you for this reason. I'm begging, please don't tell her and not anyone. I still need to ask Penelope, and I don't want you to tell Betty or Jughead," I spilled out.

"I won't, Toni. BUT oh, my goddddd! My best friends gonna get married," Veronica whined.

"One, she's gotta say yes. Two, GIVE THE PHONE BACK TO ARCHIE. I NEED TO TALK TO HIM," I yelled, whispering.

"Okay, okay, here," Veronica said, handing Archie the phone.

"Sorry, Toni, I didn't mean for her to have my phone," Archie said.

"It's alright, Arch," I told him.

"So, what's happening tomorrow?" he asked.

"I'm gonna get Veronica to take Cheryl for the day and plan the wedding or whatever, and I want you to come with me to look for rings tomorrow," I said.

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