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Aisli's P.O.V

It's been five years sine I married my best friend. It wasn't a big wedding, just mainly some of J's family, mine and Taylor and Spencer. Both girls were our made of honor. I wore a blue dress, we didn't want a white wedding and J wore a blue tux, she's doesn't really like dresses.

The last five years after we got married we even talked about having children. Yea I know we're probably way too young, but at the same time we both wanted children. We planned on going to those sperm donors, to get pregnant, which of course was me. I don't mind though, I've always wanted to get pregnant. The baby's father would either be in the baby's life or an anonymous donor, which ever donor we choose and what the donor wants.

But sadly I had a problem going on where I couldn't get pregnant and I had a miscarriage. So we went to the adoption center. Three years ago we adopted a three year old girl, who is now five. Her name is Valerie. We love her so much. She starts kindergarten next week, so we're hoping she does well with others.

I stayed home the last three years with Valerie because she never liked the nanny's we got. She was abused with her real parents so she's scared of meeting new people. She didn't warm up to us for a while, but we kept visiting her everyday until she was ready. J quit Starbucks after a few weeks that happened with Shannon.

Shannon, haven't thought about her at all these years. Of course the first year was terrifying. We texted all the people she had known through her phone. We told them that she was moving somewhere. At Starbucks, where she worked with J, the manager had asked about her to see if she had known anything and J said that she hadn't heard from her in a while. That she was moving somewhere and that's all she heard.

Spencer would check her house once in a while to see if anyone had noticed, but no one did thankfully, it looked like she grew a garden there which makes it better.

Anyways, getting back to now. We are at the mall shopping for clothes for Valerie and some school supplies. She's in the middle between us, J and I holding each of her hands.

When we walked around, Valerie noticed the build-a-bear store and gasped, letting go of my hand and pointing towards the store, still holding onto J's hand of course.

"Mommies can we go please! I wanna go! Please mommy! Please mommy!" She said looking at both of us.

We looked at each other and smiled.

"Of course sweetie!" J said.

"Yay! Come on let's go!" She yelled, screaming and pulling J towards the shop.

"Val, hold on sweetie, let's wait for mommy." J laughed.

Valerie turned to me and excitedly reached her hand for me to grab it, it made my heart melt. I grabbed her hand and we walked towards the shop. When we entered, I smiled softly. This was basically J and mines first date, or well, when we first hung out. I like to think of it as a date.

Valerie pointed at a unicorn stuffed animal she wanted. We picked it out for her, she walked with it to the stuffing area and started putting the stuffing in. When her unicorn was filled up, she ran around the store grabbing a bunch of outfits for it.

"Val, honey, you can only pick two outfits and two shoes for your unicorn. Don't grab a bunch okay?" I tell her.

"Okay mommy." She said sadly looking down. I was about give in when J noticed my face.

"Babe, we can't keep spoiling her." She said, laughing and rolling her eyes jokingly.

"I know. But she's not going to be five forever. She's sad. Please just this once." I pouted and Valerie noticed.

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