Chapter 9

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Aisli's P.O.V The night of the accident

"No. I really don't want to talk to you right now. I need to be alone, so please just leave me alone. Don't call or text me." After Jessica cried telling me that, she got in her car and drove away. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I kept wiping them away but they just kept falling. I turned around to back with the other two girls and was going to tell them that I'm going to call an uber home when I felt someone grab my arms, turned me back around and slammed me against the wall. I winced at how hard I was pushed against the wall. My eyes widen when I saw that it was Shannon.

"Shannon?! What the hell?" I winced in pain as she tighten her grip around my wrists.

"Shut it bitch! What part of leave Jessica do you not get? She does not want to be with you. It should've been you!." She whispered shouted.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered.

"It should have been you, the one getting hit by that car. Not Izzy. I was meant to hit you. You were the one who suppose to be dead. Now look what you did. If you had just left Jessica alone, Izzy would still be here. Stop bothering her. I might have made a mistake and took Izzy's life, but just know, I won't miss next time." She gritted her teeth and let go of my wrists roughly.

"Oh and if you tell Jessica about this, I will come to you faster and make it a painful death. Or if you mention anything to the cops, Izzy won't be the only friend that dies." She laughed, walking away. I started breathing heavily and couldn't stop.

"Hey, are you okay?" I looked over and there was Spencer and Taylor.

"Uh yea, I'm just overwhelmed with what happened with Izzy and my situation with Jessica." I told Taylor, which was true. But I can't tell her what just happened. Jessica can't lose another friend because of me.

"Anyways, I was going to call an uber and go home. I'll give you guys space to grief." I told them, about to walk away.

"Wait, don't go." Spencer spoke, and I looked at her.

"You're our friend too. And we also need to make sure you're okay. You literately saw it happen. That could do something to someone. You lost a friend to. Stay with me for the night. Please?" Spencer finished speaking and I hesitated. I feel like I would bother them. I don't deserve to be their friend. I messed everything up. Since I got here, things are starting to get bad.

I shooked that thought away. Shannon is messing with my head. I can't let he get to me. I need to do something.

"Yea okay. I'll stay with you." I tell her.

"Great! I could drop you off at your house tomorrow if you want. Or you could stay with me for however long you need. We are here for you also."

"Thank you. That really means a lot." I told her.

She gave me a small smile and I followed her to her car. Before I got in, Taylor started to speak.

"Hey, Aisli. I'll talk to Jess for you. I know she's upset about everything that's going on now. But you guys need to talk."

"Thank you Taylor." I genuinely told her.

She nodded and walked away to her car. Spencer and I got in her car and then drove back to her house. It was a silent ride, the music was playing softly. When we arrived, we got out of the car and walked into her house. I know she'll probably tell me to sleep in the guest room but I can't. I was there last night with Izzy and I don't think I could sleep there again knowing she isn't here.

"Hey Spencer, I know it's probably too much to ask. But is it okay if I sleep on the couch tonight or something? I don't think I could go back in the guest room, knowing that she's not-" I couldn't even finish speaking without trying not to cry.

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